I lived in Toronto during the G20 riots there. All the vandals prove nothing, just that they don't care about other people's stuff. In the end there damage usually only raises taxes, for both host countries need to beef up security and to cover damages to civic property. It proves nothing, but infact encourages back room meetings and secretiveness to avoid such egregious behavior. 😕
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They just dont seem to get that if they dislike government they going wrong way about it lol they play into the hand of military law =(
If I was a tin-hatter, I'd swear the military places their own violence inciters within the crowd. But I'm not, I realize there are people who just want to watch the world burn, and will pull everyone down with them.
Did you know Tin is a great thing that reflects radiation, in the 50s with over 30 nukes tested by usa alone its funny tin hatters were in high numbers definitely interesting :p
It's generally associated with paranoid delusions that the government can read minds using radio waves, but covers the full scope of paranoid delusion from Chem trails to floridized water conspiracy and the free masons world rule.
Truth in jest though same people talk about vaccines being bad for you, sounds delusional but i found this not long ago.
The gov known they hurt kids since the 70s https://www.gov.uk/vaccine-damage-payment/overview