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RE: The Canadian Economy Is About To Crash And Burn!

in #news7 years ago (edited)

The way I see it (not a financial expert in any sense), there has been concern about the global economy collapsing since 2000.

The thing is; there always seems to be a new trick for the bankers to play to extend the game for a short while longer.

The war of terror, too big to fail, 0% interest, negative interest, etc...

Canada USED TO (when I was young) have very stringent banking regulations that kept the Canadian economy as a paragon of stable growth, keeping in the black, and other core principles.

I don't see that to be the case any longer; and that upsets me deeply.

Buy gold, silver, guns, ammo, liquor (for barter), crypto... anything to keep your money safe from banks and in something useful should the worst happen.