We were told that Kosovo was genocide committed by one side, the evidence for that is scant at best. So calling them "clear acts" is simply parroting the media hype before we went in and indiscriminately bombed people. Libya is a huge mess, we have created a hotbed of radicalism and saying it was "going to collapse either way" is simply not true. Gaddafi was in no danger of going away.
It is not burying your head in the sand when you avoid entangling alliances with terrorists and shun waging war on people you have never met. Our foreign policy is a policy of meddling and wrong. The fact is that there has never been a war that Hillary Clinton did not support or encourage. Saying one party has a penchant for war is absolutely incorrect, they both do. Historically the Democratic Party is America's War Party, recently (in the last half century) the GOP has joined them in their never ending quest to police the world. Do not mistake my position as support for either party, they are equally corrupt and worthless.