The Role of Students As Agent Changes

in #news8 years ago

Talking about the problem of students, of course, talks about changes in the nation's problems, which formerly known as a college student who is known to have a high social sense of the community and able to put forward the problems of society in government institutions whose performance is not in accordance with the wishes of the community. History also carve the soul of the social soul that is owned by students who are able to change the system of the new order era to reform the leader of the country's SOEHARTO well all that who controls? Yes of course students. In addition, students also have a variety of knowledge that can be made as an intellectual milestone. With the science in his possession, students are actually able to become a milestone enforcer of the nation. It is a natural thing, given the various titles that are in the sandangkan to him, namely as a change (agent of Change).

In Indonesia is currently facing with a very complicated problematics in all areas of economics, education, social, moral and so on. For example, problems in the economy of one of them is still a lot of poverty, corruption is rampant, continued in the field of education such as the high cost of education, only those who have financially better able to education up to college seats, and in the field of social criminality that often occurs in Human circles etc. And the most crucial again is demoralization that occurs in the community both in high officials, students, even students Smp and high school elementary school experienced a moral crisis tsb .. it is very dramatic and sad if we look now on almost all glass screen and other information Showing how this moral crisis has spread and in all walks of life from state officials, the young men who will be the next generation of the nation.

Well, look at the conditions that occur in this country is the time the students who become the seeds of the next fighter Agent Of Change (movement change) in all areas of social will continue to uphold the openness and transparency in implementing the government to better prosper the people and minimize the level of diversion Which occurred at the state apparatus level.

Student as an agent of change has the sense that he is open with all the changes that occur in the community as well as the subject or object of change itself. In other words, students are actors and directors in a show titled change.

In addition, students are expected and become a hope to become a leader in the future who has noble character, intellectual ability and tough.

For that writer want to give an alternative The important role of student as agent of change that is by way of change in self, impossible we will make a change to others without change to ourselves. Certainly after the student makes a change in himself in the future will give birth to the nation's successor responsible for the problems that are in front of him and will not be easy to accept and take a decision without the kerelasian himself.

The important role of the students as the agents of further changes, is required to be literate and care in the environment, so that he will be easy to realize all the problems that exist in the community. Because, however, only students who are aware of the circumstances that are capable and worthy of changes.

The important role of the next student, able to become a productive person capable of giving kemashlahatan to the state and Muslims. Students are not a group of intellectual youth and academics who have only critical reasoning. Students are ideally also not those with minimal religious insight so as to show extreme attitude and action. (Nu Online)

The next important role of students, the method of seeking a change that occurs in the era of globalization must be in the fore. Because why ? If this country does not have students who know the changes that are happening around so quickly this nation will produce people who are slow to new science of technology.

The next important role of the student, the student must have an activist soul. Why is that? Because by the way the student has a soul that student activist is able to see all the problems with the searching method that he expected, so that the student as a student sebegai change agent must have an activist soul. The activist here is not a person who moves an institution or organization. But the activists here are "those who do not just sit in college and are busy in a series of theories, tasks and reports, but they are also able to position themselves as positively mobile

So beneficial to the environment ". The important thing is that the activist must balance between study and movement. Again, we are students. And on the definition of "Balanced" I return to my friends all. To be an ideal student and have a soul to the intellectual character of a student must be formed from an early age to the highest level of formal teaching last level in college. It is at this time that students are educated to recognize high personal dynamics. Period of students is a period of scientific propesionalisme formation and search identity. Here can form the character of independence (hanief) and even a pragmatic soul. So, such is the important role of the student as a change agent capable of the author's condition with the atmosphere of life at this time. Hopefully we as students are able to maximize the study and our social awareness to the surrounding community. Caring is not only realized by the demo or down the street only. Rather than the students' brilliant thoughts, discussions, or provide moral and material assistance to our people and nation.Muhammad FadhilMahasiswa Islamic Law School students and alumni of Aceh Young Leaders School (AYLS)