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RE: Sovereignty, Covid-19, and the State

in #news5 years ago

Well, i hate to say this, because it sounds really weird, but a crushed layer of crystal will probably be very effective in your helmet design.

But since our ability to measure EMF radiation is extremely primitive, its hard to demonstrate why.

Now, how do we go about determining that the govern-cement is actually out to kill us, instead of them being just extremely incompetent?

Like, the WHO waited until ALL the cows were out before closing the barn door. Even going so far as to move people to certain areas at certain times to encourage the spread.

The only thing i can work with is just removing one's self from the matrix. This should be even simpler now that lockdowns are happening and face masks are becoming common.

However, i expect military style backlash if you show up on the govern-cement radar.

However, however, i expect govern-cements to be overwhelmed via their own mechanations. The legal system will be useless. Court cases will be years in the future. Po-po will use most of their time ferrying food and medicine.

It may be all that is required is for us to breath on the govern-cement for them to collapse (literally and figuratively)


I think this virus leaked out of a lab, maybe even Ft. Detrick in June, rather than was released in a timely way, and this may enable us to easily prevent a successful global takeover, because all the ducks weren't in a row when the pandemic hit.

I dunno.

I don't think it's going to be very easy to 'opt out'. It may be necessary to back them down. I will prepare for checkpoints on public roads and etc., now, and if they don't popup, I'll be glad. I'll prepare to refuse to be forced to accept digital tags or vaccines to be injected into me, and if they don't try be glad.

If I don't prepare and they seek to do these things, I not only won't be glad, I'll be helpless.

I'm not going to be helpless until I'm dead.