The problem with Alex Jones is its Pandora's Box.
Lets say you are an engineer, and you hear that the twin towers fell at free fall speed. Which, equals, there was nothing in the way of the falling building. Nothing but air. Where did the building go?
Someone made a whole building disappear!
before it collapsed (or while)
Now, you know something is fishy about 9-11.
Then you look into JFK.
You learn that the military killed MLK (proven in court)
You look into the moon landings
Then you learn about the prussian system of education
and who paid for it to be the standard.
and then...
and then...
and then...
The only question is, can you really live your life not knowing these things?
Can ignorance be maintained without ramifications?
My opinion is that we are at a time of great change. Of what will become a civil war. There is no more fence sitting. And when your life is built on a lie, you cannot make good decisions.
It is possible to look at most of the topics he covers in a way that is evidence based and that doesn't slip into 'shock jock' mode. It is true that there is definitely a kind of 'pandoras box' - but the idea encoded into pandora's box is that it is the opening of it that causes the evil to spread, whereas in reality the examination of the anatomy of evil is our only way to stop its spread.