Ask yourselves how you would react if you were in a position of power, delivering increasingly dire news to the electorate you are, at least ostensibly, in that position to represent. Would you be so casual and clearly un-worried that you often exacerbated the public fear, forgetting each day to offer any genuine reassurance, if the people you loved and served were facing an imminent, mortal threat? Or would you delicately dance through an orchestrated, precise script, making full use of known symbolism and keywords, yet become so engrossed with the performance of your fellow speakers that you'd regularly be caught intently admiring their every word, instead of facing the press/audience?
Pay special attention to the use of emphasis, inflection & dramatic pause.
President Trump deviates from his typical open, enthusiastic posture, focusing straight down, even tracing words with his finger as he reads directly from the script.
“...our greatest weapon is the discipline and determination of every citizen to stay at home and so stay at home this is ending this will end you'll see some bad things and then you're going to see some really good things and it's not gonna be too long...”
We'll be getting back to this one. Pronouns and loose associations are a beloved favourite tactic of the authors of this script. It's important to be specific in statements of this magnitude. It's ALL pre-scripted. For those rare few who have entertained themselves with documents such as the London Declaration, coincidentally – or not – ratified by Trump and NATO allies just 3 days after the first reported Corona-COVID case in China, you may just understand. It is highly typical to infer relationships. Toss in a casual refernce to the people and not merely the corporation of the USA before or after and it makes no difference to the general public. But it does to them!
"... our country is a great place and we're getting better we're getting better very quickly this was artificially induced we just said they said close it down and you have to close it down, we closed it down and we're healing and we're gonna get it better fast..."*
There's that word again. Our corporation-country. We're getting better. Bet that they mean it – literally!
Yes, so you have been saying, Mr President. We're getting better, but first, we – and by we I mean all of you – are gonna need a little liquid courage. Just this innocent little vaccine. Have I ever lied to you? Just about ready... soon as the pharmaceutical companies and other approved multinational corporations have looted the wealth out of all the West, crushing all competition and liquidating any chance that an opposition will ever again emerge.
Who, exactly said to “close it down?” And wait — what — artificially induced? What in tarnation do you mean, exactly? Why have the public not learned of these apparently relevant factoids, sooner? Why have they still not warranted breaking global news headlines?
Who, precisely is this our you refer to, Mr Trump? Maybe Mrs Brix, the one with the anonymous husband, can illuminate us?
Watch as Mrs Brix lays out their horrific plans, her voice wavering and becoming very shaky before echoing the president's earlier words, and then listen closely and re-watch how she abruptly changes gears — and, mercifully, the topic.
“...Thank you for your words of discipline and determination I guess that really describes what we're asking every to really be disciplined about these guidelines and really determined to stay in that space of execution. [large inhale, audible relief after she pulled that one off!]
But, surely the media would let everyone know if the most despised man – at least superficially – in the world was engaged in such Tom-Foolery as willingly being part of such a diabolical plot, not to mention the Masonic practice of delivering coded messages – say at the 30 minute mark, and for certain at the 33 minute mark. Let's be real, though. This could NEVER repeatedly happen in the Official Whitehouse productions, and escape media attention, entirely. Surely.
At this point we have not even made it through one full daily presser. Is it possible someone is attempting to communicate a message and people aren't bothering to listen? Is the leader of the free world in trouble? Might he need people to pay attention? OR is it all an ACT, or an OP? Man up! One way or another this IS a test. And most have so far failed magnificently. We're at fucking WAR! Now, if we could only figure out who this "hidden scourge" is....
Sources & Helpful Links:
Whitehouse Youtube Channel:
Beware the tests
Well, now it has 4 upvotes. I reckon PCR machines are necessary so folks can do their own tests. If we leave the tests and tech to government, we will just have to accept whatever BS they try to pull. That won't happen if we do our own tests personally.
PCR isn't rocket science, and a used PCR machine costs less than a TV. Small price to pay for freedom from medical martial law IMHO.