This article was written exclusively for Steemit!
A Georgia couple is making national headlines after the state’s Division of Family and Children Services removed their teenage son from their care because they provided him with cannabis to treat a lifelong seizure disorder that caused him to have multiple seizures every day.
Fifteen-year-old David Brill’s prescribed medications failed to adequately remedy his epileptic episodes, so in February, his mother and stepfather resorted to cannabis after searching for potential treatments.
“We look at our child in a ball in the middle of the floor unable to anything, but their entire body is convulsing and tensed up and you have to pick your child up, carry them to your vehicle because you live 45 minutes away from help. I hope no parent ever has to do that," Suzeanna Brill told local outlet Fox 24.
After conducting research online, they decided to give it to David. He did not have a seizure for 71 days.
His stepfather, Matthew Brill, says he would test the cannabis himself it before giving it to the teenager.
"I smoke it first," said stepfather Matthew Brill. "I know where it comes from, I know my people. Made sure the bag was good, packed the bowl in my bowl, which I know ain't been anywhere else, and I set it on the table and told him that it was his decision. I did not tell him he had to or not."
But on April 20, the two parents admitted to the Division of Family and Children services that they give David cannabis, and they were arrested and charged with “reckless conduct, a misdemeanor charge,” the Atlanta Journal Constitution noted.
Cannabis remains illegal in Georgia. Police in the state made headlines earlier this year after they arrested dozens of young people at a party, charging them for offenses related to less than an ounce of weed.
Though there is a small medical program that allows for low-THC cannabis oil when recommended by a doctor, it is difficult to obtain.
Local law enforcement insists that by arresting David’s parents, they were simply doing their jobs. Nevertheless, their actions have had real consequences.
On April 20, the same day David was placed in a group home and was denied his cannabis treatment, he suffered a seizure and was rushed to the hospital.
“What we’re dealing with here, it’s a parent’s right to treat their child with natural remedies,” said Tom McCain, executive director of Peachtree NORML, a pro-cannabis legalization advocacy group in Georgia. “They know what’s best, that works for him.”
The Brills are determined to get their child back and insist they will do whatever they need to to help him.
"Even with the ramifications with the law, I don't care," Matthew Brill told The New York Times. "For 71 days he was able to ride a bike, go play, lift weights. We were able to achieve that with David medicated not from Big Pharma, but David medicated with marijuana."
The couple has raised nearly $40,000 for legal expenses via Gofundme and has a hearing later this month.
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In a kingdom of insanity, good sense is illegal!
Thank you!
This is sick.
Every day we see the consequences of what we have allowed. More than just with law enforcement. Yet our lawmakers continue to ignore it.
Yep! And "just following orders" remains a central theme.
Definitely get the fuck out of Georgia. Colorado or Oregon or somewhere more civilized
Agree, but it's unfortunate that people are in such an unfree position in the first place; it shouldn't be illegal to use a plant as medicine anywhere. :/
I see it as torture, what governments did, do, and keep continue doing.
Look at how many would have been helped with cannabis.....or something else that could be helpful for people in pain or other terrible situations.
It's a plant that ancient civilizations used! The arrogance of modern politicians is insane lol.
Yes sir. Torture is EXACTLY what "government" is. Nothing else, ever.
We wouldn't be talking about this if he bought it on his own, which is what most 15 year olds do, or if the narc of a doctor actually did what was best for his patient, or if that cop actauuly had a backbone, or if Georgia could make up it's mind and just understand there is no victim here.
Georgia's cannabis laws are ridiculously convoluted and near impossible.
LOL, what a mensch. Too bad they didn't try 50 state legal CBD oil before deciding to break the law. It's a stupid law but they still have it so breaking it is stupid. They could always go to a state where it is legal. If Georgia has a ballot referendum process they should put it up to the people there to vote on.
I personally think it's a bit heartless to suggest that parents should refrain from helping relieve their children's debilitating suffering because some old-fashioned, authoritarian politicians threaten to throw them in a cage for using a plant. I see this subservience to "the law" as a main problem in why we can't be free and the government is so out of control. Also, it's extremely difficult to obtain medical-grade legal CBD in Georgia; you have to pay for a medical license and then there is no supply.
you can buy it online, where did I suggest that parents should refrain from helping relieve their children's debilitating suffering because some old-fashioned, authoritarian politicians threaten to throw them in a cage for using a plant? If you don't like the law you are free to work to change it or to go to somewhere that the law is more to your liking, you can be as free as you want. So could these people but they didn't do things the right way.
Sorry but no. This mentality is EXACTLY the problem.
Is it? Or was the problem here that people choose not to comply with the law and then cried about it when they got busted?
Is the solution to bad laws to break them or to try to change them?
Keep fighting Carey.
Fucking mushmouth parasites. Always "just doin muh job".
the truth is that we have no record of the use of marijuana in pathologies like this, however we know that it generates states of drowsiness and relaxation
Thank you for sharing this case, please keep us up to date on the progress.
We shouldn't have to beg to get this shit legalised. We are just handing another one of our resources over to big corporations. We should all just do what we want.