How western medicine now works.
Oh, your here because you saw an ad on TV about a problem we just made up or due to your poor diet, well we have a pill for that ! $
Ohh, the side effects of that medication has made you genuinely sick or even sicker, well we have 2 products that can mask those symptoms. $$
Ah, you seem to be suffering from a range of ailments caused by the medications you are taking, but don't worry, we'll send you off for some tests $$$, and then prescribe you more medications that can help. $$$$$
Oh and that pain you're now experiencing, we'll here's some opioids to make all that go away. $$$$
Hmm, it seems you no longer have an immune system as a result of those opiods we prescribed, you're going to need antibiotics by the truckload. $$$$ And the high doses of steroids we've been feeding you have shut down your pituitary gland, so you're also going to need some cortisol replacement. $$$$$
But this is all perfectly natural, so just sit back and enjoy you latest hospital stay, unless of course your your credit card is declined in which case you're out on the street and back to that cardboard box you now live in because you had to sell your house to pay for medications and treatments you now need.