Jim Rogers- " Worst Stock Market Crash in My Lifetime", Near!

in #news8 years ago (edited)

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Jim Rogers,

Has an impressive resume. For those that don't know him here is his Wikipedia page
Jim Rogers
As you can see he has had quite the career, even partnering with the infamous Soros in the 70's. Making 4200% gains on their portfolio which was one of the first global funds.
In any case he just did an interview with Henry Blodget of Business Insider recently, saying that he believes that the largest stock market crash in his life time will hit this year or next.
He did call the GFC right, stating he was short Fannie Mae in 2006... amongst many other right calls over the years.
His reputation is equal to the heavy weight Warren Buffett.
Buffett a staunch Fed supported and Rogers not keen on the Fed or Fiat currencies but rather a precious metal man.
In his latest call, he says that not just markets will fail but also governments and countries.
With a reputation like his, he has a lot to lose and little to gain by making such predictions.
And these are big predictions, so lets see.
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I wouldn't say his reputation is equal to Warren Buffett although he certainly has done very well lol.

What is going to cause this crash all of a sudden? We're pretty far out along in the business cycle ao his odds are looking good i think.

Goodness knows it could be one of many many things that triggers it.... Rickards uses the extra snow flake, that casues the avalanche theory. Saying it does not matter which snow flake does it, the end result is the same.
Thanks for your support friend

I'm just as opposed to the debt-fueled bubbles in the market as the next guy, but people have been making crash predictions for years.

Will it happen eventually? Of course. But no one knows when it's going to happen. The best thing you can do is prepare yourself now, both financially and in your personal life.

Yes a broken clock is right twice each day...
Like you I am a advocate for its best to be years early than a day late
But I feel it's still worth reminding those that are not.
Thanks for weighing in

A lot of people talking like this lately.

Yes true, but ususally where there is smoke, there is fire...
Thanks for weighing in amigo

Agreed but that old fool and other perma bears like Marc Farber, have amassed fortunes trading markets.
As you know when market bust that is when the real money is made.
Thanks for weighing in amigo