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RE: Is it truly "progressive" when the negative things are simply pushed into ghettos and ignored while virtue signalling about other things?

in #news7 years ago

Excellent points.

Here is the definition of trespassing in my Word Web dictionary:

Someone who intrudes on the privacy or property of another without permission.

Here is the definition of trespass:

Entry to another's property without right or permission

Since it deals with property and indigenous Americans did not believe you could possess anything you couldn't carry, then yes, the colonizers were not trespassers by definition and the illegal (and legal) immigrants are.

Mexicans and most Central Americans are racially far different than the majority of South Americans (as I understand it). They are composed of indigenous natives and Mestizo, whereas most of Chile and Argentina managed to genocide the natives, not interbreed with them. Sometime in the 1980s the pure blood Mexican Amerindians surpassed precolonization levels. Their invasion of the US is not unjustified. It's an equilibration: a restoration.

They criticize their own countries, and the people who live there...

So do I.

Let me add right here that racially, I'm about as white as they come, a blue-eyed blond, but I'm about as far as you can get from thinking that white people are superior in any way. In fact, I think the (historically) white races represent the most deluded and philosophically backward cultures that ever existed on the planet. If psychopathology could be assigned a color it would be white. As the world homogenizes, the white race will soon become an historical artifact. Not a problem but a solution. I'm a traitor to my "race."

I also don't have a problem with Mexicans and other natives wandering wherever they like on Turtle Island. The borders are imaginary delineations of conquered land enforced by terror and ignorance. The vast majority of Mexicans are everything white people wish they were: family oriented, independent, community minded, honest, modest, hard working and friendly. Plus, they have fire in their blood and are willing to fight for their liberty.

You are the expert on Venezuela since I can only guess at what's going on there based on the leftist or rightist propaganda that I'm exposed to.

I'm not a socialist and I'm not a Libertarian simply because of its focus on acquisition of property and power. I'm an anarchist who believes that any permanent social structure beyond community level is unnecessary and harmful and makes life too complex.

Alicia Machado is exactly the type of propaganda puppet politicians use to prove their points. She's willing to trash her homeland and Hillary would undoubtedly throw her under the bus if a good reason presented itself. Please note that she is also a Blanco, descended from the conquistadors (or their migrants).

You are a pragmatist and undoubtedly very intelligent. I admire that about you. I'm an idealist and a dreamer. Your views offer balance to mine. Thank you for this chance to discuss our opposing viewpoints. It's important work.


From Mexico to Argentina the vast majority of the population is composed of indigenous and mestizo, the "extermination of natives" was only present during the Spanish colonization, the difference is certainly that the South American countries received a lot of European immigration after their independence, something that I do not pass in Central America.

The vast majority of Mexicans are everything white people wish they were: family oriented, independent, community minded, honest, modest, hard working and friendly. Plus, they have fire in their blood and are willing to fight for their liberty.

I think he has an idealization of what is the Mexican, I know several, and they are not, many of the features he described are a cultural legacy inherited from colonization, the Spanish, the Portuguese, and all the descendants of the Latin people, they have many of these characteristics; family oriented, independent, community minded, etc, etc.

To finish, I also define myself as a dreamer, because I believe that this whole world can improve, and I definitely believe that it will, I also believe that the less power the state has and the more power people have, things will start to get better. I am not anti-mexican nor anti-white, I believe that everyone in this world has their strengths and weaknesses, and I believe that the better they take advantage of, then it will be better for everyone.

It was also a pleasure for me to have had this discussion with you, regards.