Deborah Tavares & @ Sonoma County Meeting, Tavares Openly Discusses DEW

in #news7 years ago

This is so great. Seeing the guy at the very end just perfect. Technology is real and its 2018, legal experimetation on humans without knowledge or consent is real also, so if they'd like to test their capabilities in this manner is it illegal? Has military tested on populations historically? Putting a P in front of GE doesn't change the fact its part of a military weapons contractor network. Qanon was timed around this right and began outing vegas discrepancies? Has Qanon ever even addressed this or geoengineering? Puerto Rico has been literally left in the dust. Maybe once this epic eastern US storm has whooped peoples asses they will start to wake up... In the meantime COMMUNITY organizers ready up...

Deborah Tavares & @ Sonoma County Meeting, Tavares Openly Discusses DEW


Wow, Deborah is powerful. Everyone else, don't laugh, I have verified a lot of what she said. Wish aplanetruth would study Bitcoin a little better that would add to his credibility. But overall this is really helpful. Thank you..

Wow this post I am super happy its done well. So glad people are waking up to our life in HD. Super grateful and thank you and everyone who voted for it. I think one of the reasons some don't get into crypto is lack of time and that allthough money is great, its off the priorities list. That being said, I am super happy this post is my first post to make some steemit dollars. Since I have no funds to invest and I wasn't gaining anything I left the crypto part of steemit to the wayside. The gains definitely a motivator in understanding and participating. Big thank you for sharing too.

I am totally fascinated personally with Deborah. In the rabbit hole my female icons personas mostly bit the dust and seeing a real intelligent, empathetic, courageous woman who makes perfect sense and stands her ground with grace and facts: its just awesome. Inspiring. Not negating the awesome men alongside her. They rock. I don't necessarily agree with everything on Jaimie's aplanetruth: i'm not a flat earther ☺ but I do agree with a lot of things, appreciate the info, time, effort to share information and think the intent is genuine. Community convos about food air water tech etc are good things to have, we don't always have to agree on everything.

Thank you for posting this important interview.

FYI,I have 24 years of experience as a financial analyst and ran my own Investment botique
Bitcoin is pure enslavement technology and to think otherwise is a foolish man's journey. You'll see when we all have to get biometric Id's and tatto's for password access.

Thank you for putting so much time and energy into finding the truth in all this mess. So not into the flat earth part but its ok, there are true distortions of reality sold as truth so questioning shows intelligence : ) On the other hand totally agree our skies have changed and tons of other things brought to light. Gratitude. Kiss Santa Rosa for me: I miss the Bay Area. Its really hard to watch since I grew up in SF and spent so much time in Santa Rosa (even had my wedding there) Occidental, Rio Nido, Guernville, Sebastopol... Its a "targeted area" as far as I'm concerned with docs to prove it. So sad. Dew. 100%. In. Agreement. Again THANK YOU

This woman is a huge scam artist.

She has a video where she talks about how The Rothschilds prepared to restructure America. The document she read from was a press release from one of the businesses the Rothschilds legitimately have and talked about restructuring the business.

The old hag is a shit tier shill. Good thing you have someone to give you such a great upvote.

Hello, I am incredibly grateful for the upvotes as anyone would be, isn't that what this platform is about? On Deborah Tavares I also posted a reply above commending her and have shared her videos, which indicates I am like minded in belief systems right? My blog indicates that. I am just going to leave this here:

Santa Rosa & Northern CA Fires DEFY THE LAWS of PHYSICS (Where'd the houses go??)

Credit: inTruthbyGrace

and say; please if leaving comments don't just mudsling, back up your attacks on the people I am promoting, and those promoting my post. Thanks.

I can attest personally to Deborah Tavares' credibility and character. She is from a family of MK Ultra victims and is one of the bravest women I have ever had the honor to be friends with.
Jamie ~ Aplanetruth

Sure, I can attest there is one video where she uses a business plan, most likely in bad faith to say the Rothschild's are taking over America.

My guess is you're "well connected." I see that you're pushing Jesuits as "Rulers of Evil." I suggest you go through this, update your site and stop wasting people's time and energy.

This is what real and serious people write:

Either way, leave me alone. I have no time for your types.