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RE: Extensive Post Reveals Drills, Anomalies and Child Actors Involved With Parkland School Shooting in Florida on February 14, 2018 (N.S.F.W.)

in #news7 years ago (edited)

This post has now been viewed 38,065 times - as of March 6th, thus placing it in the Steemit top 100 posts of all time at 55th place currently.

New info related to Parkland event: Teachers testimony "Full metal garb, face mask" deserves more attention. How did Cruz take Uber ride with full body armor? Did he carry it and then put it on? Was he wearing it? Did he store it somewhere? Police timeframe doesn't add up. Israel stated shooter arrived and was shooting within 2 minutes. Police were already there? Yet stayed outside as shooting took place?Why and how? Was the person wearing body armor not Cruz? Where did shooter store this body armor after event? Why were cameras on delay? Where is camera footage of shooter? Is Cruz a patsy for a false flag event? Media not asking these important questions, instead focusing on students scripted questions. Gun grab agenda, plus purging of You Tube channels questioning everything.

Scrutinizing of student actor aspects of Parkland event now being used by You Tube/Google /Deep State to purge channels that challenge 'official' narratives. Richie Allen.UK show removed. Bombard Body Language removed after analyzing David Hogg's on camera body language. Fake News Report removed.

Link to @theouterlight channel provides massive list of removed channels.
