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RE: Bracing for "Cyber 9/11"

in #news8 years ago (edited)

Excellent post, as always James. They have gamed the system so much now and they have so much control over the propaganda, especially through omission of real news, that they will simply steer the herd into once again thinking that big bad Russia did it (as you clearly point out) when they conduct the coming Cyber 9/11, and sadly, the people will lap it up once again at their own detriment, unless we properly wake them up to what is really going on. Steemit presents that unique opportunity for all of us to become truth telling citizen journalists of today. This is a link to a post I put together this morning on Facebook censorship and control, which coincides with the whole propaganda agenda and promotion of groups like Snopes and Factcheck. This shows the behemoth we are up against, fascism has arrived in the USA......and it is only going to get worse.

Big Brother Watching: Huge Compendium of Screenshots Highlight Facebook and Other Forms of Censorship In New Age of Internet Surveillance and Control