New Reports That 4Chan "Golden Shower" Fan Fiction Made it Into Intelligence Dossier.

in #news8 years ago

I personally think this story is going to go down as the "straw that broke the camels back" as far as "intelligence" information either way it goes. Looks like the MSM is going to start fact checking again!

Hot of the presses!!!


The above is from "official" sources and from the general tone from what I have read is that they are holding off to see how the cards fall on this one. Below is the information coming out of 4Chan regarding how this story was even created. According their claims a user created some fan fiction and sent it to Rick Wilson who then passed it off to the CIA that then put it in their report.

The only copy of the document linked here, was published has come from BuzzFeed that I am aware of. So they be the only ones who were actually duped in all this, below is a tweet from Ben Smith.

I am hoping @ausbitbank or @lukewearechange can take the reigns on this and do some proper digging. I do not have the time or resources to do so. Just wanted to get what I had collected so far out there and get the conversation going. Look forward to the development and comments, its going to get interesting!



Such a good troll. From what i have seen and its alot they have evidence going back a long time to prove this in fact was a 4chan troll of epic proportions.

what have we become

That's fucking hilarious I'll have a dig around but I think @lukewearechange could make a better vid on this :P

So is it true ?

  • Relevant section from the linked report :

I'm not convinced either way, it'd be a nice story and as an idea it'll spread fast regardless of truth but I'm not sure if this is legit ..

Best thing found in 4chan today lol

as strange as it may sound you are currently my "trusted source" when it comes to all things 4chan and darkweb related.

Aha well I'm honoured but lately I'm probably missing out on a lot of happenings like this, I get tunnel vision and theres so much going on :P And I missed the hashtag, pissgate is gold lol

All good, this one will sort itself out quick i think. They might put the whole thing on buzzfeed, we will see.

you like that last hashtag though? I know you want in on this... :)

Nice updates, emphasis now on either way it goes.