My comment on: Sexists to face tougher sentences under plans to make misogyny a hate crime

in #news7 years ago

Criminals motivated by sexism could face increased sentences as police prepare to review plans to make misogyny a hate crime. It comes as part of efforts to clampdown on sexual harassment.


Again we see the mantra against men. We do not see gender-neutral legislation being proposed.

The pilot scheme that has been running in Nottingham only applied to male 'hate crimes' against women. It did not apply to female hate crimes against men. This normalizes the feeling in society that this type of behaviour is perfectly acceptable if it is by women against men, but not vice versa. In fact, it leads to a sense on entitlement by women to deserve extra respect which cannot be guaranteed to men.

Feminists calling for all men to be eradicated, many of them inciting violence, are not seen as a problem at all.

Giving women privilege in this way just makes them weaker than men and makes it easier for them to take offence at things men would just shrug off.

This is just further proof that women want advantage and privilege over men, not equality.



The backlash of the last 50 years of undermining men, will come back to haunt women, when they suddenly realize they don't have their protectors anymore.

Something they take for granted.... as they strip all the dignity away from men at the same time.

(sorry for not upvoting- powering up)