My comment on: ‘Your DNA is an abomination’: University under fire for publishing anti-white article

in #news7 years ago

A Texas university newspaper is apologizing after a student wrote an opinion piece that condemns white privilege and accuses white people of being an “aberration” that “shouldn’t exist.”


I believe in free speech, so, even though I am white, I would not normally be against someone having the right to publish such articles. However, if a white person had written something similar about black people, or other group in society, he or she could well find themselves charged with some sort of crime.

How is it that some people feel that they have the right to complain about racism, but then be racist themselves?


I think racism (like religion) is one of those things which people use as a justification for self riotousness .... these people both lack self awareness and are narcissistic... it's a shame there are so many of them and they hold our society from progressing forward. When it comes to race, the human population underwent a bottle neck event (lots and lots of us died) around 70,000 years ago and so we are all so closely related it is not even funny :p

The biggest problem, I find, is that the younger generation finds this anti-white mantra totally acceptable. In twenty or thirty years time when today's older people are no longer alive there may well be a consensus that white people must be made into second class citizens.