
What manner of wind is flying those flags? lol

Do you think this is a matter for jokes?

"I think the next best thing to solving a problem is finding some humor in it." - Frank A. Clark

It's not plot. Just both guys are cornered.

The only group cornered is Syria and its people. Where does this leave Russia after backing Syria and now seen to be pulling in of Syria's enemies through all of this?
America needs Syria to kick so that Iran will join in.
That's the end game. Iran. The only country in the middle east with what? Ask the question.

That is very interesting to me, because I'm originally from Turkey, and I have been saying this for the last 15 years.

After Soviet Union collapsed, NATO should have been dissolved, and Turkey should have gotten out of NATO and would have never applied to EU.

And Russia is having a more rational international policy since Putin.

Didn't see that coming.. Turkey and Russia in bed together.. The plot thickens

Not after Turkey downed that Russian plane and shot the two pilots.

Nice video. Bit of a wonder of how this is going to work with Turkey post coup and Russia post fighter jet downing.
Any sign of a response from, the NWO puppet, Obama. Sorry that's right he's probably packing at this stage.

the fighter was shot down by primitive hotheads.
Was not the intention of the Turk govt.
The coup was from D.C. and their Langley boys.
Erdogan arrested those that attempted it, and THEY HAVE SPILLED THE BEANS.
He knows it was the DC backstabbers, and is now DOING THE RIGHT THING.

This just keeps getting worse for us here in the US. Iran and Russia team up and the failed take over in Turkey by Hillary (to get her buddy from Pennsylvania in power). A lot of people are not to fond of us over here right now and with the election it's going to be worse.

de-leveraging DC's empire is a GOOD thing.
Good for the States (one of which I call home, along with 1 out of 10 US citizens) and VERY GOOD for the world we live on.

I think Erdogan is under a lot of stress after the attempt coup. Kurds and ISIS and other non Islamic parties conspire against him, and his hands are probably not clean either. He could have turned into the US in search for aid and support, but found no love with Obama who is on its way out anyway. So Erdogan turned to Putin who was more than happy to extend his influence over Turkey. After all, Russia wanted to extend its influence on Turkey since the times of Empress Catherine. Putin is extraordinarily effective.

um, that coup came from DC, and he knows it.
He's arrested those that attempted it, and THEY ARE TALKING.
Oh, and BTW, PUTIN !!!??
You can't be serious...

Just a reminder of the nuclear arsenal in the world today:

UhOh....somebody has stepped on somebody's last nerve. There doesn't seem to be many good options.

Great post , keep up the great work!

Thanks James.
And woof woof.... Sibel!!

Hope Ukraine likes it's new central bank! They will be selling their resources for pennies on the dollar in a short time.... just ask Greece

Just wanted add to what Sir James said... Screw the people who follow these Psychopaths as well

B.F.P. brings the pain to N.W.O.

Turkey was always a thorn in NATO's side. But pro-Turkish diplomatic lobbies in the US and Western Europe would not let justified criticism diminish the myth of Turkey as a "democracy" and one of the ten "key" states in the world.

Hopefully, now that Turkey is on the irreversible path to becoming Iran Number Two, the idiots in the West will wake up--although this is far from a certainty. BTW, huge economic interests are involved. The notion of Turkey as a place for lucrative investment has been pushed for decades, primarily by European corporate entities. This is another myth that will be hard to break.

The tragedy is that the Islamic terrorists whom Erdogan nurtured so eagerly are now delivering the death blow to the sultanate by butchering innocent people. The dervish-in-mufti, sitting in his 1,000-room palace, thought he could travel by balancing on two boats. He failed to recognize that playing with the Islamic terrorist hell could not but backfire. His maniacal urge to exterminate the Kurds blinded him. He will now pay the price.

Incidentally, Erdogan also seems to forget how the Russians feel about Turkey, both from the point of view of religion AND history. But now he's caught in a vice. The only thing that could prolong his existence is the tough-to-stop Western inanity over Turkey's "irreplaceable strategic worth."

Iran was also of "irreplaceable strategic worth," but we've been doing alright without it since 1978 aside from having to deal with its terrorist mullahs. Turkey can be similarly "contained" and the emphasis put on TRULY defending Europe's outer border NOT with constitutional committees and "religion neutral" poppycock but with hardware and commitment to stop the barbarism and concrete threats emerging from ASIATIC Turkey.

I feel for secular Turks. They will soon be running for their lives.

I don't think Turkey ever will be Iran. There are more secular people that will not allow that to happen.

In 2009, according to briefers that you don't ask what they do for a living, the secular population of Turkey (meaning those subscribing to 'Western' values and behaviors) was estimated at 19 percent. More importantly, perhaps, was the info about Muslim minorities that do not conform to Erdogan's edition of Islam. That group was put at 34 percent. As you know, Turkish law has a rather sweeping approach to "Turkishness"-- you have little choice when it comes to your approve d national identity as a Turk --which you must accept-- unless you belong to the three ethnic minorities recognized under the Treaty of Lausanne (which the Padishah wants to abrogate). When the balloon goes up, these "details" will come into play and the situation "on the ground" will develop in ways no one in his right mind should want to contemplate....

And Turkey supported ISIS because USA wanted to support ISIS, to destabilize Syria and the region.

In my humble opinion, the ISIS conundrum is a bit more complicated than that. The US -- directly or indirectly -- exercised an "Afghanistan effect" on the situation in Syria (1980s- fundamentalist Muslims [Taliban] are fine as long as they screw the Russians) ... which was pretty unthinking but who reads history in DC? On the other hand, the Padishah, blinded by his fury against Assad and entertaining dreams of pushing the Turkish frontier to a line that was denied to Kemal et al in 1923, he waded in with guns and money and imams and open borders to support the "good" and "devout" Islamics against the Alawite in Damascus. But, lo and behold, his efforts to shatter the Zulfiqar backfired. Now he wants the Russians to take the chestnuts off the fire. Too late, if I may say so.