by James Corbett
September 14, 2016 In yet another sign that the establishment media has completely lost any semblance of a grounding in reality, the Washington Post just opined that "The Hillary Clinton email story is out of control," whining about how much attention the story of Clinton's homebrew email system is receiving in this campaign. This despite the fact that the facts on the ground here are incontrovertible:
September 14, 2016 In yet another sign that the establishment media has completely lost any semblance of a grounding in reality, the Washington Post just opined that "The Hillary Clinton email story is out of control," whining about how much attention the story of Clinton's homebrew email system is receiving in this campaign. This despite the fact that the facts on the ground here are incontrovertible:
- Hillary Clinton used a private (and unsecured) email server for official State Department communications during her time as Secretary of State.
- She asked aides to "wipe her servers" after the State Department finally got around to asking her for emails related to her public record; they responded by smashing her 13 blackberries with hammers.
- She withheld 17,500 work related emails from FBI agents.
- She lied about receiving classified material over the server.
- The best the FBI could do in deciding not to prosecute her (after the mysterious tarmac meeting between Loretta and Bill) was to say she was too stupid to know that "c" meant classified and that her actions were extremely careless.
- If she had been anyone else, Hillary Clinton would have been in jail by now.
New DNC leak.
I hear rumors already yesterday that this witch could be dead !! We can only hope as I don't see why we should pay for a cell and food for this creature of Satan that has done nothing but steal and lie against the American people and sure people of the world most of her miserable life !!
Politics is a game where the optimal strategy is to lie to the voters and stay faithful to donors. Trillions of dollars of influence are ready to be dropped to maintain this system. It is a roll call for the worst people in society, and once they get power the addition drives them to become even worse humans.
If you cherry pick the worst humans of course they are going to be bad, but a few bad humans are not the problem. These people are only able to hurt other people because there is a system that arms sick delusional power addicts. Hate and wishing the death of people harms humanity. Hillary like any sick person needs love and therapy not violence and prison...these things don't solve stuff, they just make people like you feel better.
Hillary is not the root cause of problems, hillary having power is a symptom. The root cause is the widespread belief that violence solves systemic problems in society. This is what legitimizes the system, and I worry your attitude is part of that root cause.
Michael Keyes tweeted @ 03 Sep 2016 - 00:44 UTC
Disclaimer: I am just a bot trying to be helpful.
would it be the first american president criminal person ? nothing new in denmark kingdom ....
Not even remotely close. We're sick of this criminal cabal that's been running our country for countless generations but big change is all but impossible; we must begin with ourselves and our communities (but first, we have to rebuild them!)
Much to see these days as the onion is peeled back!
What needs to happen before these criminals actually start getting arrested? That is where this needs to lead. They've already been documented tampering with elections and lying to the public. Those identified in the recent leaks for provided zero evidence any of this information was fraudulent, imo this is a step towards admitting their guilt.
I didn't get too excited about the 28 pages for the same reason. We will only be allowed to know what they are sure won't hurt them.
James - I've been a follower of yours (and Sibel) for years.
Your How Big Oil Conquered the World doco is one of the best doco's that I've seen and I share it with people often in the hope of waking them up. It's effective.
I'm currently exposing the CDC and I have a post that I'd like you critique -
Let's hit them from many fronts.