The slow-motion train wreck of "social credit" systems and the "gamification" of society has moved to the next stage. Now the Chinese government is going to start barring people from flying or riding trains if their social credit score is not up to snuff. China may be the test case for these ideas, but they're already being rolled out in other countries. So what are we going to do about it?
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That's some dystopia-tier shit going on. Ever seen "Black Mirror" series? As soon as those scores become commonplace we will see the decline of non-conformism and liberty in general.
if we don't wise the fuck up pretty soon it will happen in america, too
Just what we need-a communist dictator deciding who can travel-what will be wrong with that?
black mirror coming to life
Exactly what I was thinking.
Yeah this is almost like "Black Mirror" came to life :)
Hunger games anyone?
I am sure that someone has written a bot to pretend to be a good person.
Because i do not have a cell phone, i am glad it is not happening here (yet) else i would get to the bus and they would be like, scan your phone...
yeah its gonna be interesting to see how this plays out in other places as well
This is all-ready happening but via income, scum floats and gets paid well.
This is the WeChat app coming to its ultimate fruition! Big Brother is Upon them!!
It's amazing to see their government taking past actions and extrapolating them into the future. Did the Buddha not say that a man is ever changing just as a river is? This system is so similar to the way that convicts are treated in the United States. Once you have a federal crime on your record that crime will stay with you forever and literally disallow the individual from every moving up in society. These are dark times for the Chinese.
Indeed, a striking similarity between the scoring in both systems is how sufficient money, or connections, simply invalidates other scoring metrics.
The Clintons exemplify this to the extreme, as does Xi Jinping.
Aye, there is no hope if the masses don't see the quagmire they're about to enter into.
Soon, the only way to get by, will be to to keep a low profile, as anything you say or do, can and will be used against you at any time by the state.
This ties in all too well with mass surveillance.
I've opted out of mainstream media years ago, and most social media networks.
Like Alan Watt says, daily life is becoming more satirical everyday.
I wonder if having a low profile has consequences like having no credit history does today.
Makes it easier to identify targets, thats for sure.
Its one of many divide and conquer strategies.
Keeping a low profile is exactly what they want of you. Pun intended. In order to gain social credit, you must have gained points through positive actions. Just not getting caught doing wrong won't keep you at a nominal score. You must actively do right.
It's funny you mention the gameification of society, when i see so much resemblance on this very platform. I think it's a great idea for authors to get paid but really I see a lot of people on here strategically up voting and strategically following..But are they actually paying attention to the content? Or is the content the bi product of some race for capitalist socialist positioning?
I guess i'm not riding the the train, the plane or the bus. this is my steem: 0.000 STEEM, steam power:0.100 STEEM, estimated account value:$0.19 (thats what they gave me for joining)..But seriously i just don't care. I will up vote when i like something and that's it. I will treat steem and dtube for the purposes of acquiring and sharing useful information. Like how to straighten your hair with a tooth brush or 10 biggest animal battles and a thumbnail of a gorilla holding open the jaws of a lion. Just kidding...No i have excepted the fact that i will likely always be labeled a minnow. But really i'm just a guy using a social media platform..I don't need a label.
wow just like other comments Black Mirror OMG this is crazy i cant believe what i am looking at
Wow! This is great content! You have received a free upvote from the Minnows Freedom ProjectDiscord. Stay cool, create good content and have a nice day! for being a good Steemian and posting original content. To learn more about us or to support us, please visit @minnows-freedom. You can also find us on
And now we're one step closer...
"And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name."
-Revelation 13:16-17 (KJV)
I had an entire article about that very issue, and how China seems chillingly close to it, especially with the way WeChat Wallet is being pushed as a "superior alternative" to cash and the way Xi isn't even hiding his delusions of literal godhood. The only difference is that China is at least four generations away from having the power to make their system global, contrary to all the Western Hype about their "imminent rise."
A very interesting post, may we stay in this media steemit though never met! @corbettreport
I say we fight fire with fire, if the powers that shouldn't be are making a game out of tyranny then we need to figure out how to make a game out of building liberty and building communities. I'm not much of a gamer anymore but I used to have fun with video games and still would if it promoted liberty, so maybe we use the blockchain technology to build an app that gives points for things like lowering your tax burden, starting a business in the Agora, using homeopathy instead of alopathy, watching alternative media instead of MSM, how about this? Actually fact checking articles that come up? Or maybe even get points for reading your bible. And there are plenty of cryptocurrencies to be used as rewards for this system. I'm not a very creative guy, I'm sure someone could take this idea and score a home run with it by making it easier to use, a better reward system, and more fun than the "governments"
This is very serious, with the population of 1 billion people in China, can the government really watch everybody.
I don't welcome the idea of this system, it takes away freedom. China government wants people to be controlled like robot. The question is, does it also apply to the law makers and the government who made the rules?
Yes it does... Are you on FKBook? Then ur in it too.. But it don't matter... They like ur style, innocent, naive, stupid... and alive... It's like a horny teenager... U must speak of everything...
It will take you a lifetime.. maybe, maybe... U will see the difference... maybe....
You might be surprised. Most Chinese have no interest in going backwards, the appearance of progress is more important that actual improvement.
As in the west, materialistic values have replaced traditional family values, decades ago.
It is way too many Chinese in Mainland China and government has no problem doing that e.g., kill them in firing squad, sending them in labor camps, harvesting and selling their organs i.e., heart, liver, lungs, kidneys, eyes, using their corps as an exhibits et cetera. It is not like the first time they killed their own people like in Tian An Men Square where students were killed by tanks running over them and during the Cultural Revolutions
Can you link the video of Tim Cook from Apple participating in a censorship talk in China. I believe the USA will implement sesame credits in the future. This reminds me of the Black Mirror episode "Nosedive". The female protagonist was denied a flight because of her low sesame credit score.
Thanks for sharing is very nice news
Coming soon to a govt near you!
For a discussion of related topics go to @mmo-mmo
The irony is steemit is also a social credit system, so far its not "state controlled" yet.
Well, given Steemit's metric, SP, and it's concentration in the accounts of 35 whales at present (this has shrunk in the last several months from 38) and how they control Stinc and the top witnesses, who are manifestly dependent on the market (Steem) for their positions (Stinc either serves the accounts with the Steem, or those accounts support something else, and the top witnesses owe their positions to being elected directly by those accounts, VP being weighted by SP) that is a very small group (less than 100 actual people. 20 top witnesses, 35 whales, and Stinc) to have essential control of rewards distribution.
While organized into two institutions and the profiteers that control them, it is the equivalent of a highly dominant government. This is illustrated by the increasing concentration of rewards into the accounts of whales (why their number has shrunk, as those that have more get more, leaving those that have less to get less, and fall from their number) and the fact that 99% of rewards inure to those accounts.
Everyone else, you, me and @corbettreports included, shares 1% of the pool. This is the primary reason for the furor over @haejin, and why panderers have been successfully recruited to become cannon fodder in the flagwar. @haejin has gained about 5% of the rewards in these last few months, and 5% is a terrible hit to the ROI of the whales.
It doesn't matter to we minnows, because most of us wouldn't even notice a 5% change in our rewards. Since the whales absorb 99% of any rewards @haejin is compelled to forego, the minnows real stake in @haejin's profiteering is actually 1% of 5% of the pool--nothing but a rounding error given the median payout of .01 SBD.
Considered alongside the fact that the vast majority of votes on Steemit are cast by bots, rather than flesh and blood curators, it's somewhat of a moot point whether there is a state that controls Steemit's rewards system. SP is highly concentrated, and that is the control mechanism.
Thanks for the explanation.
It is truly a ponzi scheme.
"You mean there is gambling in the casino?"
I was thinking exactly the same Thing!
The diference is in simple terms; that this is decentralised social credit.
Not that a decentralised version of what China is doing is a good thing, but when people make choises on interacting with someone or not , or rewarding others or not for theyre efforts, thats how communitys function. It gives feedback on what the individuals in the community value. As opose to what a centralised entity deem "legal" and right.
The network traffic that we all create and use, is (or soon will be) ultimately controlled by the state. Net neutrality legislation in the US will make it possible to declare any unfavorable network traffic unlawful. In China, many types of traffic are already filtered, recently many IPFS gateways have been blocked by the GFW.
Some people see China is a future model of a nation. This is very disturbing trend and there is no country left to run to except one has to build a Martian colony leaving communistic Earth behind. There must be somebody to start to counter these development especially in their respective countries.
Its part of the U.N. Charter, China is to become the model state for the rest of the world to emulate by the end of this century, and based on the amount of change that has happened in the past two decades, its getting closer to reality everyday.
WW3 is in progress, world governance and those who oppose it.
Try to complain in communist China and they will take your walking permit...
that shit's crazy, when the TSA uses that they don't tell you. I got searched 4 times on one trip!
Maybe one reason why the globalists are so hell bent on disarming USA citizens. Social Credit Scoring a Agenda 2030 wet dream of the globalists.
Shame how a billion people can't stop one man from ruling them all in the most brutal way.
If you're in the West, don't imagine for a moment there any good answers coming from the East
Great video james,i also wanted to let all the truth community know that i'm gonna be uploading brother nathanaels amazing videos unto my channel on Dtube, please support me i have permission to upload his videos. Thank you everyone for having a open mind.
So maybe we should start making flying cars for anarchist, bitcoin people. Social credit system is about the worst thing I have ever heard of. They have the nerve to put the word virtue in there. Have they ever heard of defiance that's a virtue? Nobody has the right to oppress another person. Now more then ever we need more people to wake up to this.
Great report , and OH YEAH I know you called it . And thats what the COMMUNIST like . Total control over your life , and AMERICANS better wake up because the same people that created the Soviet Union and other communist states are HERE ❗️Along with the British royal fuckers and the Vatican are constructing a new social order that will stifle any opposing views and I really do believe they will bring back GULAGS and work camps to the western nations . So don’t give up your guns , and any other weapons that could protect you against these tyrants . Great video 👏👍✌️♥️👊🏻