
@cortex, great post you'v got there. China is likely to become more dorminant globally than the US, China has moved from a being a "consuming nation to a producing nation," the very value US is loosing by the day. It would only take a little more time before they take over domination from the US.

China has produced more upcoming enterprenuers millionaires in the last ten years than the US.

The way I see it the US brings nothing to the table, they just sit there and eat, I'd sooner burn money than lend it to the US . China will be lucky to see a cent on the dollar of that trillion, I don't see any body queuing up to buy those bonds . They're in serious trouble, make no mistake , half the states are insolvent, most of America is falling a part , the Mexican Cartels will hoover up whats left after American doctors and big pharma created a heroin epidemic prescribing opiates like they were smarties, America is governed by thieves for thieves, it'll soon be worse than Nigeria and here's an interesting one for you, the highest number of entrants into Harvard per capita from nationalities living in The US are Nigerian .

my pleasure..welcome💜