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RE: Bought a Bible? FBI Has You on a List that it Shares with more than 650 Corporations

in #newslast year

By this point, there is so much madness in the world, you can pick any aspect of any country and pinpoint corruption; it covers the earth. It is no wonder so much goes into running tv shows that make ABC organizations look reputable, doing their job, you know?

Because doing their job, it seems, isn't what its about. I tend to recall an officer, younger than his senior, pulling over the senior and telling him he's breaking the law. The senior shows his outrage, threatens him with repercussions and attempts to push him off. The younger then proceeds to give him a ticket for the violation.

What courage! If only 1% of the the federal branch employees had the courage to speak to their superiors with the same, immovable courage. But I'm afraid to say it, there isn't that much courage in the world.

Hence we have poets to write about the doom of civilization and songs like the one I just linked you.

-- The grand canyon sings about greater people than ourselves. There is almost no trace of them now. No one even speaks in their language any more.


Ant people, like everyone else, are of limited duration.
