Breaking: No Tranny Toilets For Us Military

in #news8 years ago

Once again, President Trump takes to Twitter to announce politically incorrect but very sensible decision. No transgender individuals allowed in US military.

Donald J. Trump on Twitter: "After consultation with my Generals and military experts, please be advised that the United States Government will not accept or allow......" -

Donald J. Trump on Twitter: "....Transgender individuals to serve in any capacity in the U.S. Military. Our military must be focused on decisive and overwhelming....." -

Donald J. Trump on Twitter: "....victory and cannot be burdened with the tremendous medical costs and disruption that transgender in the military would entail. Thank you" -


No doubt, this news will devastate the bleeding heart leftists. But President Trump has a duty to serve all, and rightly puts the safety of America first. Trump is ensuring the military is and remains a potent killing machine. It is strong and capable defence which prevents war.

si vis pacem para bellum


It is undoubtedly true that there will be suicides as a result of this, as some number of the more than 15k service memebers who are trans have their livelihood ripped apart and face utter rejection, even for service to their nation, because they have the unbearable freakishness of using the bathroom facilities they desire.....

I like to save things like this, this post and these replies, because someday these comments will be consider gross and shameful prejudice from a more backwards time, looked at with the same embarassement that we currently view a lot of the racist and sexist shit from 50 years ago.

You're just the biggoted villains in the history books of the future, but are too caught up in your own self absorbed righteous prejudice to recognize that fact.

I like to save comments like yours too. Some day the leftists will start, and then lose a civil war. I will like to be able to hunt down the triggered snowflakes and charge them and then lock them up.

Are you really fantasizing here about wanting to hunt down and lock up people who disagree with you about transgender rights or who get offended by some of your views?

If so, you're a monster man, that's some strait up villian shit.

If morons want to record and document and target truth tellers and fact observers, then yes, these lefty idiots will totally deserve their own medicie!

Lefty hypocrites will start, and then lose a civil war. They will get no sympathy from me if they persist with their stupidity.

I'm not anti gay. I just don't tolerate stupidity.

And stupidity is believing that trans people deserve equal rights and access as citizens to all aspects of public life up to and including military service....

And the reasonable "truth teller" is the one who wants to track down and lock up people who disagree with him.....

Suuuuure buddy.

I just want to keep a track of lefty hypocrites who track me.

I want lefty hypocrites to experience their own hatred and intolerance.

When they start the civil war, they will learn the hard way!👌

Some people need to get a clue.

The military has other more important priorities @jimithyashford.

Scaramuuci Anthony Scaramucci tweeted @ 26 Jul 2017 - 18:37 UTC

I'm notifying Secret Service to be on the lookout for unstable guy in a Star Trek shirt wielding a plastic laser gu……

Disclaimer: I am just a bot trying to be helpful.

Yes, this is epic trolling from Scaramucci. 😂

that is pretty epic trolling.

Also George Takei doesn't realize there is only like 15,000~ transgender people in the entire army/navy/airforce. Which they were just let in a year ago under Obama. That is what happens when you write executive orders, they can be overturned with another one just like that.

Yes, and finally someone with a brain is running the show. Obama would prefer a politically correct work environment over an effective military?🙈

I have to agree with General Mattie on this, the complaints are , the
Military personal are having to go thru so many political correctness classes and how to not offend people, instead of actual training, while enemies around the world laugh at us.
They prey on the weak, they laugh while they kill, rape and plunder your communities and countries.
This country has become to weak and so lost in confusion of what they can and cannot say that it may offend someone.
I don't care really if someone serves this country I good faith no matter who you are, but unfortunately we have come to a point in this country thanks to those who want to cause so much devide, so much hatred, so much anger that a country once United strong is more devided than ever.
Look around you, realize what's happening everywhere else will happen here like it or not.
Civil war is ugly and it has no political correctness, only death follows and death will come.
People won't get it until its happening at their doorstep.

One hundred percent correct @buster544.

Snow flakes who are mentally unstable, ignore facts, and even get upset about upsetting language or terminology, do not belong in the military!

The military is a killing machine. It's there to destroy and eliminate all threats! It's not there for confused indivials who worry about what color nail polish to wear tomorrow.