The headlines are getting more ridiculous by the day. Every morning that I see red in the crypto markets I go to CNBC and sure enough, there's some hit job piece by an uninformed CNBC writer or Wall Street guru hating on crypto currency.
And you're correct--Never mind that we the tax payers have been forced to fund the mass murder of innocent people all over the world for decades to line the pockets of war monger politicians, lobbyists and weapons manufacturers. And they claim they do it to keep us safe. How noble of them.
CNBC reporting reminds me more and more of ridiculous fake news stories that I see in my Facebook feed which I usually regret even wasting my time looking at recently. The main reason I even read mainstream news articles any more is to get a good laugh.
Yep. As Hunter S. Thompson once said, if you're gonna watch TV, you gotta watch it actively, laughing, mocking, and talking back to the bastards.