God, this tired old argument again.
First off, I was commenting on the general arguments you hear from conservatives on both issues and the hypocritical nature of them.
Second, state laws restricting gun sales and putting reasonable requirements on ownership were already determined to constitutional.
Third, the executive branch has wide latitude in enforcement priority. Holder (correctly) determined that using limited federal dollars on prosecuting a highly unpopular and unnecessary law and wasting millions of dollars when states who legalized it sue the federal government over enforcement actions was a terrible idea.
Maybe you should get your own shit straight before calling someone misinformed.
Geez, you are an idiot. Federal law supercedes state law. Yeah states can pass whatever they want. But if they are in contradiction to federal law and the U.S. Justice Department wants to enforce federal law, state laws don't mean shit. Maybe you should get your own shit straight before calling someone misinformed.
I never said Sessions didn't have the right to do what he was doing, I just said that he's a dipshit for using that right. You houd try seeing things with some nuance for a change. And there is a legal basis for state legatization for weed, that being the feds only have the right to make laws regarding interstate, not intrastate, commerse. They certainly have standing to sue in federal court to say that congress consitutionally can't ban states from legalizing the sale of weed. Whether they will win is up to the supreme court. But like I was saying, all of this is a waste of money defending an unnecessary and unpopular law. Might as well argue for the enforcement of consentual sodomy laws while you're at it.