Happy you're willing to take on this topic. There are some major imbalances / elephants in the room in this area, so much so that it's easier to just leave it alone.
It's of course the pendulum swing of the mass consciousness, who love all forms of division, strife, and drama; It is their drug, and God Help You if you get between them and their ignorance fix!
The fact that you choose to address it with satire I also like; Humor helps to expose the absurdity of the status quo without the necessity of stating the obvious, which can seem condescending and be counterproductive.
I always look at it as growing pains for humanity. Eventually, people will look back on this time's irrational hatred of "whiteness" and "masculinity" as embarrassing, barbaric and purely hypocritical. Although seeming cliche, Love in its highest sense ("It is the characteristic of real love to see no difference") will be, and is, the revolution that will allow the deep trauma and hurt of people to be recontextualized, and transformed into a better future for this planet. Of course, I am biased, because I am an indomitable optimist!
Fantastic post, I'm thankful for the unique niche you fill @lexiconical. Keep 'em coming!
"The fact that you choose to address it with satire I also like"
I find it keeps me sane(r). Let's not psychoanalyze why the "Jewry" image was the most fun part to construct... (still satire, for you other readers).
"I always look at it as growing pains for humanity. Eventually, people will look back on this time's irrational hatred of "whiteness" and "masculinity" as embarrassing,"
Yeah, I guess some day they'll be "un-feminizing" just like they are currently "un-Columbus Day'ing". Seems to be an inevitable cycle.
"Fantastic post, I'm thankful for the unique niche you fill"
I could say the same about you, my SF feed would be a lot uglier without you in it.