I view “attacks” as inciting violence, so no your examples do not really fall into the catagory of hate speech at least to me. Those are all debate topics leading to possible legal or political reforms.
You are right this term of “hate speech” is to vague to actually have a conclusive discussion about but I still do think the fall back will be upon whether the speech contains unacceptable actions.
In the case of Alex Jones we see all the borders of this classification “hate speech” being pushed but on the other side of that equation those pushing the narrative are drawing a line in the sand. Eventually our understanding of what “hate speech” should be defined as will evolve and most likely cross back over that line making those pushing this false narrative look like even bigger fools!
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I would generally agree with that, although "incitement to violence" is a crime in and of itself and is really a separate issue to so called Hate Speech.