I guess this guy means anarcho-capitalists when he sad "extreme" libertarians. Yes, there are a ton of us on here, in fact @dan is one. Libertarians have embraced bitcoin, and crypto since the beginning. Many of the developers for different cryptos are libertarians, and libertarian media has covered the rise of crypto for years. As you know, economics are one of the most important issues to the liberty movement. We advocate for sound money, and an end to the criminal central banking cartel. We see crypto as an opportunity to have a currency and transaction system free from manipulation and inflation by government. It's only natural that new social media built on the blockchain would be inhabited by liberty minded individuals. You and your audience are more than welcome on the platform though.
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It must be really interesting being a banker right now. They can get filthy rich by jumping into the Bitcoin/Etheruem/blockchain phenomenon or they can leave it well alone because they see it as a threat to their existence. Meanwhile trillions of dollars of fiat wealth will leech away to the blockchain anyway and they actually lose money by not participating. But if they do participate the legitimize it and hasten the end to their dirty little rent-seeking profiteering scam.
Maybe they think they can get in, get rich and then collude with the US and other world government to destroy it - selling out just before the crash, or using their usual "financial instrument" scams to guarantee they win big even in a crash. I mean if there is a way for them to have their cake and eat it, leaving standard Bitcoin holders screwed at the end - they'll find it - as they hoover up even more trillions of dollars.