Excellent article. I find this situation to be completely unacceptable since Sibel is the head of Newsbud. To attempt to undermine the effective reporting of these women and the true situation in Syria is just horrific. Which she is still doing by the way as of 41 minutes ago:
Sibel Edmonds @sibeledmonds
We have many #Syrians in Syria who have expressed outrage over this duo taking and exploiting women and kids photos 'Without' acquiring permission. This is 'Wrong.' 'Unethical.' Shame.
10:25 AM - 27 Mar 2018@NewsBud_ Beeley is often critical of MSM using / exploiting children in images when she does exactly the same thing. #Hypocrisy ~~~ embed:978657913018486784 … twitter metadata:ZG9taWhvbHx8aHR0cHM6Ly90d2l0dGVyLmNvbS9kb21paG9sL3N0YXR1cy85Nzg2NTc5MTMwMTg0ODY3ODQg4oCmfA== ~~~
My understanding after looking into the issue a bit, sadly enough, at least according to:
They hurt Sibel's feelings. I've looked into it, she's got nothing on them. She spent many man-hours making a wafer thin hit piece that was filled with unintentionally comedic moments. Now, with the laughter roaring in her ears, she's trying to salvage some dignity.
Extremely disappointing to say the least.
@cannolishoni Thirty minutes into this new Corbett video and so far, it is as expected, looking terrible for Sibel. What a waste. It is just inconceivable that Sibel would think that she could get away with this. I have to wonder if someone has gotten to her, or if as one commenter said, it's kind of like she's on drugs or something. Really liked Sibel in the past and she and Corbett have appeared together on programs that I've seen. Unless he pulls something out of his hat later in the video, it seems that Sibel has essentially ruined NewsBud in my estimation. Should she somehow be vindicated, I'll come back here and update this as is necessary. Have to wait for my wife to finish watching the video, but wanted to update the information here asap.
edit: Well I finished the video. Not only does it not get better, it actually only keeps getting worse.
It does seem a bit overboard, right? Almost as if someone hacked her account or something. Corbett did a great job, loved this take on the situation...sucks he left twitter, though. I'd have to be dragged kicking and screaming from the blue bird 😃
Exactly, but her video and NewsBud team backup rules out the Twitter account hacking hope. It's like she was whole-body-and-mind hacked or drugged. Anything less than that and She and NewsBud are done I think. I don't think you can recover from that without some crazy unexpected explanation and apology. Never seen anything quite like it. Flaming self destruction. I am way, way, behind the times and just finally got hooked up and going in Twitter. It's pretty fun I must admit. We just finished watching Ricky Gervais' Netflix comedy special Humanity, so I follow him among my truth type crew. He's always spotting funny stuff and retweeting it.
Disclaimer: I am just a bot trying to be helpful.
I saw this guy as Sibel's sole supporter more than once when I was researching on Twitter.