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RE: In U.S., Sometimes CIA Eat You

in #news7 years ago

Trump is one of them. The people/citizens didn't elect him because the Elections are sElections. The Sovereigns choose who the President is, not the Citizens. If you owned a company, would you let the employees pick who the CEO was? If your a really really clever owner of a company, you would let the Employees believe the CEO is one "them", a man of the people. But, it's a clever ruse. Even better than the Obama ruse over Liberals 8 years earlier. There is no animosity among them. They are a well oiled machine and immensely loyal to each other.

Left Wing - Right Wing - Same Bird.


I start from this premise in all of my analysis. So, answer this, why are the members of this 'well-oiled machine' out to destroy Trump and install someone else?
They thought they had another Reagan on their hands. They don't. I'm not saying Trump will win, I'm not saying he's not compromised to an extent. But, he's clearly something that has a lot of very powerful people spooked and he's attacking the very foundations of the post WWII institutional order.

They are still selling us on the idea that that is unthinkable, but it is. NATO is obsolete and dangerous. Trump is attacking that. He's thwarted plans for transnational treaties/agreements like TPP, TTIP and the Paris Accord. These were BIG PARTS of the next phase.

Gone... Stroke of the pen, law of the land, kinda cool.

He's not perfect, but being this dismissive is not constructive. I had a hard time coming around to his corner. I'm still skeptical, but I'm no longer dismissive.