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RE: The End Is Here For U.S Foreign Policy and Hegemony

in #news9 years ago (edited)

The idea of a military disagreement between the US and China is terrifying. This is the closest something has felt to a Game of Thrones esque geopolitical conflict, where I'm pretty sure Bashar al-Assad is a bad guy (war criminal and despite being elected essentially a dictator) but ISIS is worse, and there is support on both sides. And Turkey is a fucking mess too, cooperation between Erdogan and Putin is also terrifying. While I didn't agree with the decision to move into Iraq/Afghanistan, I was never really that worried with the US fight against al qaeda or ISIS becoming a more global struggle, this is far scarier than either of those.


I think a one world government is scarier. Don't get me wrong, it is terrifying but the world needs other nations to stand against America's joke of a foreign policy.