dTube: Betsy Devos Wants to Pay for Teachers to Have Guns

in #news6 years ago

Betsy Devos Wants to Pay for Teachers to Have Guns

--Secretary of Education Betsy Devos is considering a plan that would allow federal money to be used to arm teachers

Do you think this is a good idea?

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Devos is Dangerous!!!

She wants to bring more guns into schools, privatise the schools as well as their security while reducing the education accessibility and outcomes which works to create more crime... while also benefiting her friends who are invested in charter schools.

It would make sense to address the causes of crime rather than work to silence and dumb down the poor and enhance the corrupt system that gives welfare to a few wealthy and oppresses the majority.

shit like that dont happen in the ghetto or places where criminal activity is high, well it might but no one cares to talk about it; my point being is why dont they just get a couple private security officers, body scanners
and just plain old security like any other large facility with valuable assets in it..

this day and age anything can happen and i would hate to think i softest spot is not secure from any threat in and out....

Why not just print out 3-D weapons, So we don't have to spend that much on gun Manufacturing.

the plan gives the money, she doesnt decide how it is spent. Why is the left so AGAINST protecting our children?