Jeanette Manfra, cybersecurity chief at the Department of Homeland Security, says that in 2016, Russian hackers targeted the voting systems of twenty-one states "and an exceptionally small number of them were actually successfully penetrated"
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I remember a time when suggesting that voting machines could be rigged or influenced was tinfoil hat talk.
Whether it's done by Russians or not, it's now mainstream to worry that the elections are rigged. Nice.
You're exactly right, that what the cybersecurity chief says here is yuge and should be reported as "Russians successfully hack in", as you're reporting it.
If Russians can hack it, I wonder what anyone closer and better connected to the US government or to individual state governments could do.
So I don't know if the takeaway worry should really be about the Russians and what specifically happened this time as much as it should be about having a fundamentally insecure process.
Whether or not by design, this was a great way to introduce and desensitize people to the idea that there might be some funny business going on in these elections.
"Russian hackers" are always a good villain, and floating the idea that Trump coordinated with them makes it so a chunk of the populace won't want to hear it or act on it
I doubt the cybersecurity chief is admitting this at random or without appreciating what she's doing.
Consider: If you're guilty of something, and you're not totally sure that you covered all your footprints, you might want to blame it on someone else rather than say it didn't happen. So if I had to guess I'd say forces that are closer to the US government are covering themselves with the "Russian hackers" thing.
::shrug:: #foodforthought
(It doesn't make sense that the chief would bring this information to the attention of the American public, but do it in a way where she sort of encourages us to see it as not a big deal at all.)
Very well said, thank you!
Is it gonna make any difference now ? I mean, after this news, will there be any action taken against the result we had/?
Probably not by the current administration, no
Any actual offical Source?
Well yeah, the person in charge of cybersecurity for the Dept of Homeland Security
This was stated by a high-ranking official of the US Department of homeland security Janet Manfra
Voting Systems or Voting Registration Records. Hello Click Bait.
I really struggle to believe the "democratic" voting system actually works any way, and that if the fact that the russians did or did not hack and influence the vote would have made any difference because I believe it's likely that the governments of the world are controlled/molded by a shadowy elite with a self serving, anti-humanitarian, agenda.
You are right about the U.S. not having any of the criteria for democracy but our oligarchs aren't shadowy or secretive. You can look up how much they donate to each party or what superpacs they donate to fairly easily.
Who cares. U.S. elections are privately funded so they aren't democratic in any meaningful sense. You might as well let Goldman Sachs hand pick the candidates.
Wow. Those Russians.
By now, people should know:
This neo-McCarthyism is dangerous. Why paint them as our enemy? Why band the drums of war?
How about, instead of starting WWIII with Russia, we bring in international election monitors. Instead of pointing our fingers and accusing someone else of things the USA does every day (influencing election via the CIA)?
The USA hasn't had free, fair and accurate elections, since at least 2,000.
Why paint Russia as the enemy? Why band the drums of war?
Because the United States can't stand not being Master of the Universe. You know, that thing called "American Exceptionalism" that can't stand not being the biggest, the greatest, the One and Only, and justifies "bringing democracy" to all all those backwards countries?
The combination of American arrogance, greed, self-righteousness and ignorance has caused wars for decades. Of course, no war in our back yard, please! No, let's fight a proxy war in Syria, let's move NATO forces closer to Russia (despite giving them our word after the reunification of Germany that NATO would not spread eastwards) and keep taunting them until, if they retaliate (in Europe preferably), we can point the finger at them and go "See? We told you they're bad, they're the aggressor!" and pose as the Saviors of the civilized world.
Oh, the hypocrisy of it all!
She doesn't told about the number of votes penterated, yeah it can 1, but the fact is that i also can be thousands. STRONG action should be taken against russia for this bullshit act.
This post is misleading. No votes were added, subtracted, or affected. None. The actual story says that voter registration roles were hacked. Further, this is an old story that seems to have made its way into the new cycle again.
So, you are saying there wasn't any corruption in voting?
I have to admit David I wasn't expecting that they had actually gotten to the voter roll. I thought mainly they involved themselves with propaganda. Apparently Russian involvement was deeper into the US election that I first thought.

"Hand of the Kremlin" - this is getting boring.
By early 2018, the "Russian hackers" in the minds of the world community firmly stood in a number of global threats such as nuclear war or international terrorism. This was due to a series of political scandals in the US and Europe, in which cyberattacks — and their ties with Russian intelligence agencies — played a key role. Will Moscow, which rejects these accusations, manage to overcome the image of the" Russian hacker"?
Even if they told me rain was wet, I still wouldn't believe the American politicians.
is any of this true ?
What baffles so much is that there has been a lot of accusations of this sort but no action has been taken to really substantiate any and this makes all of it mere speculations.
I am a STATE Russian IT and I can't hack)))
Poor David... you really drank the coolaid.