Secretary of State Rex Tillerson warns of Russian efforts to meddle in the 2018 midterm elections, explaining that the US is not prepared to prevent them. I'm wondering, how might Steemit help to insulate against such attacks on our democracy?
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We don't vote, and didn't like either candidate anyway, but isn't this Russian stuff really just promoted by one party, as propaganda? And even if it's true, elections and kingmaking have been affected (or at least ATTEMPTED) by foreign countries since the beginning of time. Kings and queens used to marry their offspring into foriegn families to form alliances. This is quite common human behavior. If anything, it helps turn potential foes into friendlies so there's actually a bright side to it.
Lastly, the American election was mostly decided via the FBI using timing to push doubt into Hilliary's campaign. She did an awful job of running, as the election was hers to lose and any even remotely boring Democratic candidate would have run away with this election. It's testament to just how unacceptable ALL American politicians are, in both parties, that a career politician lost to a more-comical-than-serious psuedo-celebrity.
There will either be a coming Revolution when those putting faith in Trumped are disappointed, or one of the major parties will be dismantled and replaced by another party which will grow into another ugly beast, like the two parties which exist today. That's our prediction for the next 40 years.
Still seen no proof
Want some truth, google this:
"project veritas undercover cnn confession"
Project Veritas has been widely debunked, time and again. It'll rot your brain.
That means that even the mockingbird mainstream media knows it's a "Nothing Burger"!...
Steemit can help enlighten people on the danger of attacks on democracy. ..then these can help people to think and act on the right part
I voted this but honestly I have a major problem when it goes again towards Russia and that they are too bad, that is ridiculous. Russians have the best hackers tech wise but Russia is not the bad nation, for sure not. They have a PR problem though :-).
good news sharing dear
resteemit done
dtube is really best for sharing news
keep it up
upvote and resteemited
Russia was cyberhacking, helping Iran build nukes, and threatening American interests around the world in 2012 too. This is revisionist bullshit. Hell, Bush took shit for "looking into Putin's eyes and seeing his soul" years before that.
Upvote me
If you have seen the amount of spam/abuse, I'd say no.
You don't care about facts... there is no proof that Russia hacked our elections but there is plenty of evidence that the DNC rigged the primaries. Wake the fuck up.
Ya, whatever happens in the US, blame it on Russia.
Considering the newly cancerous tribalism and black and white thinking In America, I do not think Steemit can help but instead contribute to the problem. There is a propaganda war and I fear America has already lost. The divide and conquer tactic has worked. Trump and Pence is here to stay, we get it. Nonetheless Liberals, conservatives, anarchists, everyone should be joining together to fight this. There are too many myths about each group to make it happen and Don the Con is VERY good at pointing fingers at others to keep the heat off himself. I am amazed on how effective it is. For God sake last night MSNBC was more focused on domestic violence going on in the whitehouse instead of policies. Yes, DV is bad, but i dont want to be lectured by MSNBC about this.
As of now, steemit is full of bots, which is pretty much the only way how Russia rigged US election. I don't really see the deregulation of media as a way to prevent this meddling - it just creates deeper information jungle. It's great opportunity for foreign countries (China, Russia, Arabs) to manipulate US public oppinion.
So I was pondering this question as well.
I strongly feel against Russia ( or any other country for that matter ) deciding the next election in the US ( or we should be allowed to meddle in their elections as well ... ). Think this through. Russia could use their leverage on a candidate then to trigger our military to do their bidding, or to self destruct or to give Alaska away for free.
So if something like steemit could be used as a means to verify your nationality ( think how root certificates, and https work on the web ) that would be helpful.
No, I don't want to add a limitation on the first amendment to the American constitution "freedom of speech and expression". Say what you want !
I also don't want to block foreign comments. All I would like to see is some way to give visibility if the comment comes from an american citizen or not. So a binary flag basically..
I agree that this has been tried in the past by foreign governments ( and kingdoms ) however in the past you would have to fly a plane over all cities and drop leaflets with political information. Now you have the Internet ...
Leaving aside for the moment that no one has produced any evidence of hacking in 2016, I have another question. Why don't we use some of our obscenely bloated military budget to improve our cyber security? I have been hearing that the U.S. is behind the curb on cyber security for the better part of a decade now, so maybe we could fix that.