This is interesting because it would explain many things but at the same time not be an excuse for incompetence...what do people think?
This is interesting because it would explain many things but at the same time not be an excuse for incompetence...what do people think?
I don't know about politics and I don't want to say about it. But I can listen to people when they are talking about it so that i will be able to learn one or two things.
Thanks for sharing.
Something new about Trump.. Attractive report and good presentation!
I hate to give this clown ANY possible cop-out, but yeah he seems delusional and out of his mind. Kinda makes me feel bad for this simple-minded buffoon when he's impeached or locked up. Almost.
Dangerously Senile or Serially Dishonest. Does it matter at this point? Either way, I am still waiting to wake up from this year-long nightmare.
Trump is not delusional. He is consciously doing his best to destroy the US and what it stands for. Just because he is POTUS it does not mean that he is loyal to the US. Maybe he is a Russian puppet maybe not but something has pi$$ed of Trump enough to want to damage all its institutions.
The media are complete suckers as they follow his inane tweets as they are a distraction, a feint as he quietly go one undermining the institutions. Calling the media fake news is another distraction ploy as they try and prove the news is not fake.
He shows every sign of dementia. Has for years. Look at his language, how it's deteriorated even since taking office. The mood swings, the lies, the erratic behaviour..... Remember, he's 71 and his dad had Alzheimer's so there is a genetic link. It also explains why Ivanka has to be in every meeting and Jared has been appointed to everything. He needs people he feels comfortable with close by. I've had a family member suffer from dementia and the rest of us have been watching Trump since the campaign trail saying "well, that's familiar." If he makes it to 2020, I'm guessing by that point, there will be no hiding it and we will hear how he misses the private sector and has decided not to run for re-election. Then he'll fade into obscurity. Hopefully nuclear war hasn't broken out first
I think it’s possible to be both. I think he tells lies and then begins to believe them. He has done this for years. He defended a painting as real to a reporter who noticed it and commented on how real it looked despite the original being in the Chicago Art Museum. Trump insisted his was the real one and then for many years later, he spent time after that telling people about his “real” painting. He would make a point of stopping to show people the painting.
The vice president and a majority of his cabinet must agree that the president is unfit for office. The vice president will then become acting president. The president may declare he is fit for office at which time the vice president and a majority of the cabinet may tell congress to decide the issue. if a super majority in both houses side against the president , the vice president will continue as acting president.
He certainly has many personality disorders, BUT I do think that this is an act, just to let the republicans do what the want while he consumes the news..... or I am sorry "Fake News"
If Trump really is delusional and believes this stuff then wouldn’t that mean that he himself is a trumpist to some degree. On top of that, that would mean he’s just a product of all everything around him and the real person to blame are the people manipulating him.
Trump says whatever he thinks will influence people to like him and give him money. Consistency and alignment with reality are only incidental goals. Scott Adams is right about Trump's hypnosis-like skills of persuasion. Considering that to be a praiseworthy trait is pretty foolish, but there's no denying that Trump is surprisingly good at persuading people to like him and give him money.
I like the way you broadcast, you're like a professional newscaster but I'd stay away commenting about politics. It's never been my cup of tea.
Brother, I am very poor, please Upvote me day, please continue reading my reading from here please
Something to think about. . He won the election with his tactics of getting the media to follow what he says. It is evident that the media and a post such as this are covering what he says. . .He is not experiencing dementia or delusion. He is playing the MSM and anyone who focuses on his tweets or statements like a fiddle. Impeachment for "Russia Stuff" isn't going to happen?? Of course, there was no collusion. He is not a politician, he is a businessman and that is how he is behaving as President. Quite frankly it is a breath of fresh air to have a president that speaks their mind. Do you think all the hollywood sex offender info would be coming out if Hillary was in office? To think that all presidents don't lie is more delusional than a guy who says what he wants.
This line of thinking is comical. The part where people say that they like that a president speaks his mind. It’s quite silly. All presidents have spoken their mind. What you’re actually saying is that you find this brand of nonsense baffoonery acceptable. It’s more of that dog whistle talk. It’s not refreshing, it’s horrifying. He is normalizing incompetence
You think all presidents have spoken their mind? A majority have never gone off script. Competence? Have we ever had a truly competent president?
Have we ever had a president publicly call out the Deep State military that runs the country? Yes, Trump.
Is he doing things to disrupt the order. Yes, sure looks like it. Would you really have preferred Hilary and Bill. Cmon man.
Yes presidents have all spoken their minds. Yes we’ve had mostly competent presidents. No trump is not one of them. The military does not run the country. I agree, trump is doing stuff to disrupt order. When you have no idea what you’re doing, you’re bound to screw up all kinds of order. Unequivocally yes, I would prefer Hilary. Bill was not running for office.
Ok, we agree to disagree. Cool.
Fair enough lol