The best part of this story is the totally transparent denial that McFarland was merely "citing the Democratic talking point" about Russia helping Trump. I don't know how, after looking at the transcript, anyone could come away thinking that.
Also, here's a totally automated caption that is basically unreadable as one giant paragraph, but it's a first attempt at finding a way to easily generate on demand transcripts for the videos, which is something Steemians have been requesting:
"there's a deluge of stories at this point about Donald Trump and Russia and the insanity that took place and hopefully were Sunday going to learn about it but I want to reek of set it up for you here because there's been some very interesting revelations about who knew what and when that surfaced over the last 24 to 48 hours we know now widely reported we know I don't even know what I mean by we know now Michael Flynn has been indicted you lied to the FBI in the Russia investigation we know that Michael Flynn had numerous contacts with Russians and a big question that we still have not really gotten an answer to is did Michael Flynn act on his own or was he directed by the Trump administration to make these contacts with Russians and there's another question which is even if he had acted on his own how aware was Donald Trump about what Michael Flint was doing how aware was the rest of his team about what Michael Flynn was doing the New York Times has a great report about this which points out that if you look at recently released emails about this combined with interview transcripts and court documents that are part of Michael Flynn's indictment it becomes more and more difficult to come away believing that this was Michael Flynn acting alone because we now have an email written by Donald Trump transition advisor katie mcfarland on december 29th of 2016 she wrote that Obama sanctions against Russia would be bad for the Trump administration and that Russia quote has just thrown the USA election to him him being Donald Trump now any reasonable person most of the people in our audience Pat maybe Pat certainly me for sure if we read this we say it's very clear that katie mcfarland is writing that it is an undeniable reality that russia has helped donald trump in the election now the white house there was a white house lawyer asked to comment on this and the white house attorney said no no no what katie mcfarland meant is that democrats are saying that Russia helped Trump she's not actually saying that Russia helped Trump well certainly does it seem that way from what's been released that is a very weird explanation but we don't have to wonder and speculate we have a screenshot of katie mcfarland which I have up on the screen for you and she says very clearly my take Obama is doing three things politically the third of which is box Trump in diplomatic lis with Russia if there is a tit-for-tat escalation Trump will have difficulty in improving relations with Russia which has just thrown us a election to him there is nothing there that suggests that just this one piece of bullet point number three that katie mcfarland wrote is her saying this is the democratic portrayal it is her saying it period and the released emails also show that as soon as President Obama moved to kick 35 Russian diplomats out of the United States as punishment for Russian interference in the election the concern of Trump's advisers was how do we smooth this over with Russia the top priority when mr. Obama said we're gonna kick out these diplomats was we've got a smooth over our relationship with Russia because Russia is not going to like this in another email katie mcfarland wrote that michael Flynn would be speaking with sergei kiss lyac the russian ambassador so already the idea that only Michael Flynn was operating inside this bubble it's impossible right katie mcfarland knew she was emailing others about it if only Michael Flynn knew you wouldn't have emails from katie mcfarland to third parties talking about flynn meeting with russians and the list of those who say who are listed as as being looped in to what was going on include former press secretary Sean Spicer former chief of staff Reince Priebus former chief propagandist or as he called himself advisor Steve Bannon these people all were in the loop so the part at which we move from possible obstruction of justice to possible criminal conspiracy is when we undeniably confirm that all these people knew and they were immediately working on the removal of Russian sanctions as soon as Donald Trump's inauguration took place which we learned that they were doing poetic justice could we say poetic justice or irony I don't know what to call it Michael Flynn spoke at the RNC and led a chant of hurry up referring to Hillary Clinton he's since been indicted and pleaded guilty Donald Trump has been obsessed with Hillary's emails for years and it might be emails that end up bringing him down yeah or Obama warned Trump not to hire Michael Flynn now the ultimate irony to that is the ultimate irony which is if Donald Trump wasn't so ideologically committed to not doing anything President Obama suggested he might have taken Obama's advice and not hired Michael Flynn to begin with discuss this with us on our subreddit at david slash re d di t so today's program is sponsored in part by wink comm WI and c-calm I don't know if you're like me and many people in the audience are nothing like me so you know take this with a grain of salt but I don't know a thing about wine I can't tell whether something is more or less oaky or whether it has full body or a great body or a slim body or whatever I don't know anything about it but I would like to at least be able to have wine that I like and when you go to wink calm and actually you can you can support our show and get $20 off by going to try wink calm slash Pakman that's WI and see you get asked these basic questions that help identify what your wine palate is so do you like coffee or not what kind of coffee do you like what other flavors do you like more or less and then the wink system will identify wines that would probably fit within your palate and then it sends them to you delivered right to your doorstep and if you don't like them there is a 100% satisfaction guarantee you never pay for a bottle that you don't like never any membership fees you can skip any month you can cancel anytime and maybe if you are as wine challenged as I am the wink program can help you get wines you really like and then you can actually bring them places socially and say oh this is a whatever and sound like you know something about it save 20 bucks go to try wink comm slash Pakman that's t ry winc dot-com slash PA k ma n"
At this point trump himself could swear under oath that he did the things he is accused of and trumpians would still stand by him.
thats a outstanding news one..thanks for sharing your of luck..carry on your activity..✌✌✌
I do not think Russia helped trump during election.
Is it possible for these people to get any stupider?
I agree about the auto-generated text being unreadable. It's horrible to attempt to read.