dTube: Should the Left Support Progressive Dems or Vote 3rd Party?

in #news7 years ago

Should the Left Support Progressive Dems or Vote 3rd Party?

Caller discusses reforming the Democratic Party versus supporting third parties like the Green Party

What do you think?

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We need more parties in this country. The binary "choice" we are given every two years isn't really a choice at all. So, all persons of all stripes should be supporting the real parties of their choice--not a watered down amalgam.

yes, i think to get 3rd parties involved, we need some form of ranked choice voting

Depends. I for one believe in supporting the viable candidate who adheres closest to one's views.


Do both things ...walk and chew gum

I agree, if the only progressive running in your district is from the green party, vote for them, if its a progressive dem, vote for them too.

We also know that Crowley's idea of "left" is Wall Street style (not willing to touch holy cows of foreign policy war economy, economic structures, etc.), The conclusion sounds good, though: take it on case by case basis at local level and coalition w libertarians wherever possible on GMOs, corruption, spyware etc.