Please help those that Gave All

in #news7 years ago


Helping the homeless is an inner call that most people have, those of us that have a heart anyways. I was brought up to always serve others and it has elevated me in that my life is fulfilled in a humanitarian way. I am by no means what I consider rich, but I am working on it and I believe that someday and soon that God will bless me with the kid of wealth that I can help more people. Why am I just rambling on about helping the homeless? Well because it has come to the news (alternative news) front that many cities seem to be hoping that the homeless problem goes away and how are they doing that by wanting the homeless population to just die off. Why do I say that? Well a city in Ohio, took blankets from homeless people during the dead of winter, while many cities in California are arresting people for providing meals to homeless people. The homeless problem will not go away until we all step up and help.


About 56% of our homeless population are veterans that signed on that dotted line to serve and protect in exchange for certain amenities that they have never received and those that do get them have had to jump through hoops to get them. This was promised to them and yet they are living on the streets with no shelter, food, or medical care. It is a travesty! The other major majority of homeless people are mentally ill. However laws concerning the mentally ill have been altered to the point you cant help them unless they ask for it or are a danger to others which ends them in jail without the healthcare they need.


There is so much that could be done to help end homelessness and myself as the wife of a Marine Corp veteran have met some of these amazing men and women and have been doing what I can to help these people that put their life on the line for our country and our lives to get back on their feet, however as I stated earlier I am by no means rich and could use some help. IF anyone reading this feels so inclined to upvote and resteem please help us raise some money to fund this mission. I have also started a go fund me account that I left a link to below. Please share it on your social media and help us to help those that gave all for us!




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@dayzieblue, very good post, and yes there are a lot of homeless, and they need help. Bringing awareness to the issue in anyway possible is good. As an ex-military person thank you.

Had to upvote all the comments to bury the scammer and the message mentioning the scam...just hate that was the top of the comments on a post like this.

I give a lot to help our active military and our vets with a focus on mental health donations. Honestly feel that a huge part of why so many of our vets come back and have a hard time is mental. Some is PTSD, but some is just the loss of a brotherhood.

This loss is also seen in retired baseball players...I know seems crazy right. Guys that made great money for years and were idolized retired and end up with very high rates of divorce, drug issues, alcohol issues, becoming abusive, and so forth. Someone here in the Chicago area was spearheading an effort to get retiring players counseling to address the issue they would be transitioning to the real world.

Think of how much of this matches up with troops. Schedules are decided by others, you are part of something larger then yourself yet your actions can be enough to help or harm the entire group, you have people you consider your brothers by your side day-in and day-out for years, you have clear chain of command and someone you answer to daily, you have expected behaviors that are accepted and others that will not be tolerated, you are a hero in the eyes of many, and then one day it all ends and you are just expected to become a normal citizen again.

I sadly lost touch with our family friend, but know his efforts back in the 90's had effect in the baseball world. He was teamed up with legend Ernie Banks on the issue and that man had some clout in the baseball world.

Now we need the people to stand up and demand that the government takes care of our troops as they come home. Treat these vets with the same or more respect then they did while they were active. As our Vets speak volumes to the state of our Country IMO. Their health and mental health being largely ignored shows that the priorities of this Country are very messed up.

Anyways thanks for your efforts and hope that you are able to hit your goal.

I totally agree we should help the suffering. But, we also must stop sending our children to war. No good can come from war. My friend @wwf explains it best in his free book 'Graduating Life with Honours'. Blessings, lots of love & joy to you and yours @darkhorse 🌻🐣☘

There is no greater cause than this @dayzieblue. I wish i could help. I hope i will be able to help in some near future. For now i can only do as much as upvote.

Oh Dayzie 🙈🙉😲 the statistics are appalling. It's really heartbreaking the level of suffering that goes on in a world FULL of abundance. It is honourable to be the change in this world. I pray that all people stop signing up to go to war. I continually pray for peace. And, I pray too for the end of suffering of vulnerable. The underprivileged. The young, the elderly, the sick, handicapped. We need to help everyone live freely in this land of beauty and abundance. No doubt.

Congrats on your post being selected by the @asapers!!! Keep up the wonderful offerings! Wishing you much peace & overflowing joy all the time 🌻☘

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