It is unbelievable how the media waited so many years to let out some criticism of the Saudi regime after a single journalist is executed, when you think about the funding of terrorism, beheadings on the public square, siege warfare in Yemen triggering massive famine, bombings of the schoolbus or a funeral which were only briefly mentioned without widespread condemnation... I guess better late than never.
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Thanks for the comments. The media didn't wait so many years to report on this, they did report but very shy and immediately covered it with useless side news. And when things went out of hands when the Saudis bombed a school bus for instance, the hypocrite West called on the Saudis themselves to investigate their own crime and not to repeat, while in the Syrian case, a clearly staged false flag led to the bombing of the country twice without any investigation even when the Syrian state was calling for international investigation into the crime.
That should indicate that we're not dealing with normal politicians leading Western countries, these are war criminals working to serve an agenda which is clearly not in favor of their own people who seated them in power.
Sadly, the truth is, even when the evidence of war criminality is clear the vast majority of people in the UK are so 'dumbed down' and misinformed by the mainstream media that they concern themselves only with trivial matters like football or the latest celebrity gossip. For instance, we had the Chilcot Inquiry which proved that the Blair government, and in particular Blair himself and his handler Alistair Campbell, not only lied to the British people but deliberate falsified evidence to lead Britain into an illegal war in Iraq. Yet they regularly appear in the media to this day and not a single journalist (if there are any left in the British MSM) ever questions them on these issues. But worse than that, is that the vast majority of British people would rather concern themselves with trivial nonsense such as Royal weddings and babies, rather than the fact that we are led by a criminal cabal. I don't really know what the answer to that problem is. Just keep trying to get the information out and look for ways to defeat the state's censorship of freedom of speech.
Yeah, well in each of the cases you also point to, the reason they stayed silent was because it was the Western coalition that was funding, equipping and supporting the murderous scumbags doing all the killing. The media will never discuss these issues because they are wholly owned and controlled by the people responsible for committing them. It's a sick world.