Looks like BIBI is finally going to have his Dreaded D Day in court. The Likud party is going down and they are going to let Bibi have to talk the fall on this one, if they intend to survive. So much corruption inside the Israeli government. In the past ,we have talked about massive Israeli meddling in United State's politics and now we are seeing it unfold in front of our eyes. Bribes and other "gifts" and Arnon Milchan is right up there with him. It's crazy to see how big this new case is and you can only hear the sound of silence from True Pundit and Jason Goodman on all this juicy Israeli corruption. Lots of raised eyebrows when you recall we heard Goodman was working with Mossad and or ADL to help run a distraction campaign or three..first, by leading his fans to believe Pakistan intel ( ISI) was behind AwanGate and then to totally ignore the corruption stories on Netanyahu and Milchan that started 4 months ago, and which we reported on 8 months ago! Goodman and Loomer, Cernovich and others should be talking about how the people of Israel are standing up to corruption and finally taking this filthy war monger down. Nobody with an ounce of sanity wants a war with Iran and it seems these Likud war mongers will play ever dirty trick in the book to make things happen, and this means walking USA into a potential nuclear war with Russia.I reported on Unit 8200 Arnon Milchan and Bibi and even Mossad in Hollywood last summer, 6 months before anyone and was attacked as a fantasist. My sources ended up being valid, and my videos prove it. There are many active Israeli operations in America and . I wouldn't be surprised if I had Mossad agents following me around and trying to feed me poison. This is huge news and it will mean a very different outlook on how things have progressed with the massive injustice done to the American people by foreign tampering in local elections and elected officials in America on the take or getting blackmailed by a foreign power. If you were looking for the real storm this is where to find it because what happens with this and how Donald Trump and the MSM deal with this situation will make the turning point in the war for our collective planet.
Two dramatic developments reshuffled the deck on Tuesday. First, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s confidant, Shlomo Filber, reached a deal with police late Tuesday night to turn state’s evidence and incriminate him. Second, former Judge Hila Gerstl testified that another Netanyahu confidant, Nir Hefetz, offered her the attorney general’s job if she would close a criminal case against Netanyahu’s wife Sara.
Are these two developments related?
No. We’re talking about two separate cases. The talks with Filber about a state’s evidence agreement relate to Case 4000, which revolves around suspicions that Netanyahu gave benefits worth hundreds of millions of shekels to Shaul Elovitch, owner of the Bezeq telecommunications giant and the Walla internet news site, in exchange for favorable coverage by Walla. The proposal to Gerstl is a brand new case, which police are calling Case 1270.
News Aricles
If your trying to get the low down from a few months ago when I start talking about this stuff, you will see that future proves past and the Apache connection is an Oil company that's going to lead us right back to all of our key players. It looks like I'm going to need to kick myself in the face and get Robert David Steele back on the channel for an interview to see what he thinks. Also shoutout to @cynthiamckinney for bringing this connection to light before everyone else. She's a champ and called his like it was a vision of the future.
Youtube List
A Talk with Cynthia Mckinney | Israeli Lobby and Awangate
Unit 8200 Twitter Number Station of Israeli Intelligence
Jared Kushner Sold the world Saudi Arabia and nobody is talking about it
The Awan Israeli Connection, Rich Brothers, and Oakwood Linkin Park - The Defango Show
Metrojet Flight 9268, Ransomware, Unit 8200 and the Israeli SIGINT National Unit
Unit 8200 Twitter, Cyber reason, checkpoint technologies and Mossad Connections
▶️ DTube
Def u are right on point as always. Also take note, things changed last night; felt it online. Hard to explain but Sentient World Simulation (u all ready now about this) Prudue White paper --> http://www.krannert.purdue.edu/academics/mis/workshop/AC2_100606.pdf
Let's set this off. Israeli privatization has been running US child policy for decades. They own our governmental institutions and the children of the world as chattel. Thank you for doing what you do. I got your back.
success is always in the business of my friend .. I like the same post you friend
Whoever or WHATEVER can predict the future , controls the world.
Steemit Blockchain Will Be The Central Cortex Of The Global Quantum A.I.'s Brain - The Sentient World Simulaion, for predicting the future.
All the quantum computers of all the worlds biggests corporation are interlinked and working to this end.
Any one with even half a brain knows that blockchain technology is not going away. It's here to stay!
Why? Because EVERYTHING... every piece of data and every piece of edge computing hardware is soon to be tied (chained) into the blockchain matrix in the cloud. Including EVERY product, service, creative and recreational activity that we do.
Using 5g technology and cheap telemetric printed circuit tattoos (like barcodes on steroids) able to sense, process and transmit data, will be in EVERYTHING and EVERYONE.
We will all become part of the Sentient World Simulation (SWS) as described in the popular Purdue University white paper on this subject, It's already up & running right under your noses as you read this blog post. IT'S WATCHING YOU!!!
We each have a Global Quantum A.I. avatar following and recording our every move using our 'smart' phones, 'smart' appliances - TV's, game consoles, 'smart' fridges, 'smart' meters & 'smart' cookers, etc.
We each have our own virtual world avatar that simulates & mimics our character, in order to predict the future.
Whoever or WHATEVER can predict the future , controls the world... The Global Quantum A.I.
For me, politics is a dirty business, I try to abstract myself from it. Good luck to you.
You are still right on point, I'm still trying to catch up. I'm probably a month/ going on a life behind lol. I appreciate everythign brother. One love, one light; God Bless you <3