What Laptop? Wiener + Russia + Qanon + hoax | Danger Zone News 2

in #news6 years ago

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Today it seems there is a lot more talk about Wikileaks on the forefront of something greater. Julian Assange has not been able to contact anyone and things are not looking good for a better situation. Now we are seeing "new" information coming about supposed leaks and other things. Why does it all sound like the same old bullshit that was going on during the election with the "Russia" matrix. So if the new is talking about it one again and now trying to say it's a huge conspiracy to take them down. I wonder if Mueller is going to do his MF Job? It feels like Crowdstrike 2.0 targeting Wikileaks once again be this lawsuit finally gets going.

HILLARY’S CROWDSTRIKE: How to Hoax a Russian Hack

Looks like 50 Cent is back in the news for bad things, looks like the dude likes to post revenge porn. I mean it seems like weird deal. Read this and be shocked and not really that shocked because it happened the past. I guess he needed to get a few more cents. hahaha

Singer Teairra Mari Files Revenge Porn Suit In LA Against Rapper 50 Cent

It gets weird with 60 cent because of his lawyer hence the 10 cent upgrade. He's using one of the DNC's top lawyers to defend him in the case and she's got a interesting story and connection to things of this nature. She was a champion for Women's right but many things have been brought out about her character and works that show she's not afraid to bend the truth.

Gloria Allred Responds to Her Daughter Lisa Bloom’s Decision to Represent Harvey Weinstein

Hey Kid do you want some cheese? Now I'm never going to be be able to eat cheese at a dinner party ever again. Well unless the ladies are hot, then why not.

Middle Class Women Are Wrapping MDMA In Brie And Swallowing It At Dinner Parties

Looks like Facebook is going to get patrol upgrades x2 in the fight against "hate + fake news". They are going to be hiring a ton of outside companies to help police the platform and "protect free speech". More hands means more censorship coming down the road and more places like the SPLC and ALCU are going to get more power on what people can say online. Oh boy that sucks balls.

Announcing New Election Partnership with the Atlantic Council


Oh shit Qanon talked about that Wiener Drop and then BOOM PROOF it happened. Proof he is not a LARP!!!! nah I just messing with you, he must have been watching the case on pacer and saw the update before he posted. Wow very magic. Really it is interesting to look at it because clearly it says they only are using his phone as evidence. The warrent says they were looking for 3 items, but only 1 items is actually on the docket. This contradics a lot of what people are saying about a HRC video and a Laptop. Thing about it, what else is happening that needs to be hidden?

Search warrant for Weiner’s electronic devices unsealed


In Other News, Horowitz says Clinton broke the law and refers charges. Let me tell you whats going to happen. They are not going to act on the charges and then trump base is going to flip out. After that its going to be all Make Israel Great and we are all now jewish. Doesn't seem that bad? I should start learning hebrew or whatever.

IG Horowitz Finds FBI, DOJ Broke Law In Clinton Probe, Refers To Prosecutor For Criminal Charges

A new report suggests an imminent Inspector General (IG) report may rule that FBI and Justice Department officials broke the law in their handling of the Hillary Clinton email investigation.