Actually, All of Earth Is On Fire [VIDEO]

in #news6 years ago


There's always an ‘emergency’ the establishment wants us to fear and panic about, to distract us from the real threats.

“Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain.”

The arctic is melting! The polar bears are dying! The ‘Earth’s Lungs’ are burning to a crisp!

Well… maybe not so much. Now that the dust has settled, we know that everything the alarmists have been saying about the Amazon is wrong.


The dramatic photos shared by celebrities of the fires in Brazil weren't what they appeared to be, and the same people who love citing government science on “Climate Change” are now conveniently ignoring government science since it came out that the fire activity “has been close to the average” for the region.

Of course, facts won’t stop their agenda to make you pay carbon taxes. The powers that shouldn’t be will keep scaring you with lies. The stage is now set.

They’re using these fires in Brazil (which are mostly farms, not forests) as yet another ploy to normalize “global government” as the only workable solution for the crises they cause.


If you really care about preserving the Amazon rainforest, and you want to take action to improve the environment (including your own community), try to be mindful of the rampant disinformation and hysteria.

I break down what you need to know in my latest ‘walk and talk’ vlog from Playa del Carmen, Mexico.

Enjoy the Full Video:

The inconvenient truth is that when the next worldwide emergency suddenly unfolds, most people won’t be ready for it, because they were too distracted to prepare.

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Amen my friend! My first thoughts about these amazon fires were that they were staged in order to convince “the people” of a need e public no go zones.

Posted using Partiko iOS

We are nearly at 2021, many years back I learnt it was the move to get people to not be able to use the countryside and to be restricted to the smart city's but if you look for recent documentary on agenda 21 most are saying it's about de-populization?

Hold on tight!

Yep, looks like we're all in the slow-cooker! When you factor in a future that includes the automation of 90% of jobs then you have to conclude we are surplus to requirements...

Yes this is also the future I'm seeing with open eyes, but not many are preparing for it! Next year I will get a licence to drive a 100ft ferry, this is my goal to stay free in a few years time, self sufficient- seasteading with all the other cryptofreaks 😂

Buy crypto now to sell at new ath, and go from there!

It's great that your on Steem! Get onto 3speak website, something actually good happening on the steem blockchain and certain not to abandon it, I hope 😁

Would love to start donating really should, I am building my assets! Maybe once I have my garden growing in my new pad I will save enough too 👍🏽 💯🐒

I am both into crypto, and I grow my own berries and carrots. Expanding my garden next year.

It is challenging here in the arctic region. Our summers are cold and short, but I manage :p

Posted using Partiko Android

It's the way forward! That and eating like royalty from the the daily fresh food thrown out from supermarkets via Dumpsterdiving, we save money to buy crypto with and have to work less because we avoid food costs 😀

Posted using Partiko Android