Snowflakes Are Useful Idiots #71: Anyone want to claim that colleges aren't trying to indoctrinate students?

in #news7 years ago
"A lot of women simply don't identify as feminist at all, and feminists hate that. After all, any and all power they have comes from convincing women they're still oppressed by The Patriarchy (TM)." --Tom Knighton

Oh, the Irony...


Rutgers is the eighth-oldest college in the United States and is designated "The State University of New Jersey". It is the home of the Rutgers Scarlet Knights athletic teams.

On the official Rutgers website, the university claims that University Public Safety is committed to ensuring a safe environment for everyone at Rutgers. Alas, Rutgers also employs a racist, anti-semitic nutjob, Michael Chikindas.

Michael Chikindas, of the department of food science and director of the Rutgers Center for Digestive Health, has posted tens of comments since at least 2015 on Jews' "dirty deeds" and Israel's "terrorist" activities. He has posted multiple images depicting Jewish men in skullcaps with long hooked noses, with one insinuating Jews control the legal system, the media, the Federal Reserve and Wall Street, "sex-trafficking" and "pornography," and more.

It would appear that Mr. Chikindas is a white supremacist who regularly vomits Paleo-NAZI hatred. Rutgers must love the dude, because they gave him tenure. Yep, that's where you want to send your kids...if you want them turned into hate-filled, Jew-hating, Israel-loathing bigotted little snowflakes.

Go figger.

Image:The Federalist Papers

Still think colleges aren't trying to indoctrinate students?

[Chatham] Communications professor Katherine Cruger recently published an article on employing a “feminist pedagogy” teaching technique in her classes, describing it as a necessary response to students’ waning attention to feminist concerns.

In other words, Ms. Cruger is pissed because female students couldn't care less about alt-leftist "feminist" drivel, and she's determined to cram it down their throats anyway.

Tom Knighton:

Cruger is explicit in her desires to indoctrinate students into feminist ideology, even if they believe they're being treated fairly by society.

Meanwhile, feminism still finds common cause with Islam, the most misogynistic faith. There are absolutely no efforts by feminists to improve the lot in life of women in Iran or Saudi Arabia, yet women there deal with real oppression every day.

Yes, Dear Reader, alt-left feminists don't give a damn about women. Their goal is power, and, as Hillary Clinton and her fellow Democrats demonstrate daily, they have no qualms about lying over and over again to achieve it.

Juden Heraus!

Students at a Canadian university voted to kick out their only Jewish representative from the student government board of directors this week, after he was named unfit for the position due to his active role in the Jewish community.

I had the pleasure of speaking at McGill back in 1995. After my presentation, I walked down the hill to join the crowd on the day the Québec Referendum was narrowly defeated. That was in 1995, and the estimated crowd of 250,000 Canadians looked exactly like this:

It's nearly impossible for me to relate the McGill of 1995 to the bigoted reality reported by Rachel Frommer. Here's the Irony, Martha, although the Student Society of McGill University (SSMU) is too dense to appreciate it: The topic of my presentation was, "Holocaust Denial & Hate on the Internet", and it was given on the historic day when Canadians demonstrated for national unity -- within spitting distance of McGill.

(No, Snowflakes, Abe Didn't Own Slaves)

Jarrett Stepman and Tom Knighton reported a real knee-slapper this week, friends. It seems a group of clueless snowflakes has decided to attack Abraham Lincoln because, er, he "owned slaves." Sorry, no.

“Everyone thinks of Lincoln as the great, you know, freer of slaves, but let’s be real: He owned slaves, and as natives, we want people to know that he ordered the execution of native men,” said one of the protesters. --Jarrett Stepman

As both Knighton and Stepman more tactfully point out, the claim that Lincoln owned slaves is patent nonsense.

If the social justice jihadis will come after Lincoln like this, who is next? Everyone is on the table, after all. Each and every one of us has the potential to be someone future generations will decide is problematic, especially with the precedence being set today. Any view, no matter how mainstream it was at the time, can render anyone too problematic for remembering later. --Tom Knighton

Work Cited

Background Reading

Ken McVay OBC
@dragon40, Certified Curmudgeon

"Government-controlled schooling is essential to achieving the goals of Socialism."--Karl Marx, Communist Menifesto


Relevance:Education warfareCurated for #informationwar (by @openparadigm)

They are completely indoctrinated, brainwashed thru school and all media.