WHAT "DNC hacking by Russia", Hillary?
BOMBSHELL: NSA Experts Say DNC ‘Hack’ Was Actually a Leak and Inside Job
by Colin Kalmbacher
A new report states categorically that the Democratic National Committee (DNC) was not hacked by Russians–or anyone else–as frequently alleged by the mainstream media, liberal intelligentsia and anti-Trump politicians.
The Nation‘s [See below] Patrick Lawrence wrote a lengthy review of the findings made by various computer experts formerly with the NSA. Published this week, the left-wing magazine’s report notes two bases for their conclusion: (1) hard science shows that a remote hack of the DNC servers resulting in the breach that actually occurred would have been technologically impossible; (2) forensic review of the initial Guccifer 2.0 documents proves that they are poorly-disguised cut-and-paste jobs–forgeries–intended to finger Russia.
Lawrence, by way of the experts’ findings, concludes that the so-called “hack” was actually an inside job by someone with internal access to the DNC’s computer network. In other words, the DNC has (or had) a leak.
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"On the evening of July 5, 2016, 1,976 megabytes of data were downloaded from the DNC’s server. The operation took 87 seconds. This yields a transfer rate of 22.7 megabytes per second. These statistics are matters of record and essential to disproving the hack theory. No Internet service provider, such as a hacker would have had to use in mid-2016, was capable of downloading data at this speed.”Which brings us right back to widespread speculation that murdered DNC staffer Seth Rich may have been the source of the documents provided to Wikileaks.
Related Reading
- Johnson, Benny: Bombshell Report on the DNC Hack by Forensic Experts Claims It Was an Inside Job, Not the Russians
- Lawrence, Patrick: A New Report Raises Big Questions About Last Year’s DNC Hack
- Noble, Sarah: Far-Left Mag Reports DNC Emails Were Leaked, Media’s Been “Indefensibly Corrupt”
- Sexton, John: DNC Member On Debbie Wasserman-Schultz: ‘We Wish She Would Go Away’
There was no hack of the Democratic National Committee’s system on July 5 last year—not by the Russians, not by anyone else. Hard science now demonstrates it was a leak—a download executed locally with a memory key or a similarly portable data-storage device. In short, it was an inside job by someone with access to the DNC’s system.
There was no hack of the Democratic National Committee’s system on July 5 last year—not by the Russians, not by anyone else. Hard science now demonstrates it was a leak—a download executed locally with a memory key or a similarly portable data-storage device. In short, it was an inside job by someone with access to the DNC’s system. This casts serious doubt on the initial “hack,” as alleged, that led to the very consequential publication of a large store of documents on WikiLeaks last summer.
Forensic investigations of documents made public two weeks prior to the July 5 leak by the person or entity known as Guccifer 2.0 show that they were fraudulent: Before Guccifer posted them they were adulterated by cutting and pasting them into a blank template that had Russian as its default language. Guccifer took responsibility on June 15 for an intrusion the DNC reported on June 14 and professed to be a WikiLeaks source—claims essential to the official narrative implicating Russia in what was soon cast as an extensive hacking operation. To put the point simply, forensic science now devastates this narrative.
The intelligence community who think the DNC was hacked have never examined the actual computers. Instead they relied on Crowdstrike’s results. And for all their efforts at looking for Russians under every rock, the media has found nothing in the way of proof.
“We wish she would go away and stop being so public by doubling down on negative stories,” said Nikki Barnes, a progressive DNC member from Florida, who believes Wasserman Schultz left the national party “in shambles” while chair, culminating with the hack of DNC servers and the release of embarrassing internal emails by WikiLeaks in the 2016 campaign…."
@dragon40, Certified Curmudgeon "The meaning of peace is the absence of opposition to socialism." - Karl Marx | |
I'll grab the popcorn
nice post ,thank you for searing...!
... is that witch Clinton not in jail yet??
Sadly, no. Trump bitches about it, but there's no indication he's ordered Sessions to re-open the email investigation.
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At 100 Mbps that is only 12.5 MB/s. It had to be done from a flash drive at the source. So yes an inside job.
Ayup...and there goes the Democrats' bullshit about Russian hacking...
Exactly! I would say they were trying to frame the Russians! LOL
His name, is Seth Rich.
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Nice news
Yes, unless you're a Democrat.
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