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"Putting one’s foot down will not be easy or pleasant. But it is necessary—unless you wish to surrender your campuses and careers to mindless, fanatical zealots."--Daniel Payne |
"Your existence is a disturbance."
Daniel Payne's America, Your Campuses Are Madhouses. Why Are We Paying For This? provides a solid compilation of a number of campus incidents where rabid snowflakes have run amok. The best part, in my mind, is his conclusion, which is sure to warm the cockles of conservatives' minds:
Here is a gentle tip for the nominal adults nominally in charge of American campuses: if your students disrupt a scheduled event, or storm the stage of a school function, or take a classroom hostage (particularly on an exam day!), do not give in to them. Instead, have security escort them out immediately. If they resist, arrest them. If they persist, expel them.
Putting one’s foot down will not be easy or pleasant. But it is necessary—unless you wish to surrender your campuses and careers to mindless, fanatical zealots.
"Progressive" academics, sadly, lack the stones to impose discipline upon their students...after all, that would just "trigger" the poor dears. Better, in their minds, that the snowflakes be allowed to disrupt classes, threaten violence and set fire to buildings. It keeps them occupied, right?
Washington, D.C. (under construction)
At the University of California's Santa Cruz campus, Robert Kraychik tells us, "Leftist students ...shut down a Republican student chapter meeting on Tuesday"..
Why, you ask, did they do this? Because the Republicans support Donald Trump's border policy, and that means they support building a wall along the border, and, as every snowflake knows, walls are "racist."
If walls are "racist," of course, then anyone wanting a secure Southern border must also be a racist, and (as all good communists know) "racists" have no right to speak. Or something.
"They had a slug with a Trump hat on it," added the apparent left-wing leader, presumably describing some slug-like bauble. “So they agree with Trump and white supremacy,” she added.
The only question a rational person might ask, given the "logic" above, is How did this moron get into the university in the first place?...and who was stupid enough to pay for it?
Obama's Wall (Completed)
Marxist walls, however, are not "racist."
Tom Knighton's report targets the obvious: Although college administrations have all the power, and are often driven by alt-left claptrap, it's the students, not their administration, that comprise the biggest threat to our right to speak.
Everywhere you turn on a college campus these days, you see administrators trying to silence folks they disagree with. These people are trying not only to kill academic freedom, but also to turn college campuses into nothing more than Leftist indoctrination centers. ... But they don't even compare to what Leftist students are doing on their own.
As Knighton says, The lunatics are running the asylum.
He also expands on a College Fix story revealing that The Evergreen State Kindergarten in Olympia, Washington forbad criticism of the revolutionary communist group Black Lives Matter
The Evergreen State College had previously banned criticisms of Black Lives Matter, saying somewhat innocuous posters critiquing the movement hung on campus “diminish the disparities experienced by people of color” and are a violation of the school’s non-discrimination policy.
The 2016 determination was made by its Bias Incident Response Team roughly one year before the school was engulfed in controversy and chaos, a recently uncovered document shows.
Bias Incident Response Team? How Orwellian is that? The assumption, it seems, is that criticizing a black revolutionary group (anywhere) is an attack upon all blacks (everywhere)...honest.
Yes, folks, that is how these Marxist morons think...but only if the group in question is one of the left's Authorized Victim Groups.
Attacking whites, however, does not diminish the "disparities experienced by white people. " They, of course, are all vicious, racist, homophobic, Islamaphobic, misogynist bigots who deserve to be diminished.
Just ask Evergreen's snowflakes -- the ones who run the place.
"Free Speech" Means You STFU.
Toni Airaksinen asks a simple question: "Do protesters, and students at large, really understand the First Amendment?" The answer, of course, is no. Hell no (and if they did understand it, they wouldn't accept it. Fascists are like that.)
No, they don’t. In a newly published study, the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education (FIRE) found that only 46% of college students understand that "hate speech" is indeed protected by the First Amendment. Of the 54% of students who did not know, 29% falsely believe the First Amendment doesn’t cover hate speech, and 25% just did not know. ...Further, when asked if the First Amendment should cover hate speech, nearly half (48%) said “no.”
This is what happens when the alt-left captures the educational system and begins filling our five-year-olds with Marxist mush - but hey, who's counting?
The hilarious aspect is that the same snowflakes who insist that "hate speech" is not protected - and should be banned - have shown themselves utterly incapable of defining "hate speech", although it appears to translate as "any speech we disagree with for any reason."
Work Cited
- Airaksinen, Toni: Most College Students Clueless About the First Amendment
- Knighton, Tom: Evergreen State Blocked Criticism of Black Lives Matter Via 'Bias Incident Response Team'
- Knighton, Tom: Biggest Threat to Campus Free Speech? Students, Not Administrators
- Kraychik, Robert: WATCH: Leftist Students Shut Down Republican Student Meeting In Library
- Payne, Daniel: America, Your Campuses Are Madhouses. Why Are We Paying For This?
Background Reading
- Snowflakes Are Useful Idiots: Index (0-60)
- The Communist Takeover Of America - 45 Declared Goals (Annoted)
- Protect Yourself From The Evil Patriarchy With The Brand New "Portable Safe Space" Available From Just $79.95
- "If fascism comes to America, it will be through our college and university system."
- The surprising history of ‘snowflake’ as a political insult
@dragon40, Certified Curmudgeon "Madison believed that those who sought to restrict speech revealed themselves to be opponents of republicanism. They wished to prevent public opinion from cohering, thus making it easier to counterfeit."--Jay Cost | |
i noticed in the recent years the shift from open dialog on everything to anybody can be whaterver they wanna be without judgment or criticism and freespeech switching from saying you ideas outloud to being only a vector of agreeing with everyone under the threat of being labeld a racist a facist or i donno what . and the campuses that were a space of friction and ideological fight became a SAFSPACE where you can't say much or you'll put yourself in danger. if the countries leading the world in freespech fall for this where are we going? i wonder
They saw it coming with the movie PCU (1993)
Relevance:War on EducationCurated for #informationwar (by @openparadigm)