"American colleges are no longer institutions of higher learning. It would be more apt to refer to them as state-sanctioned seminaries for the secular religion of Cultural Marxism." --Jim Goad |
Let the Colleges Die
Jim Goad takes a look at higher education in an entirely different, and refreshing way:
The number of students enrolled in American colleges and universities has dropped every year for the past five years. In 2016, the majority of private and public American colleges failed to meet their enrollment and tuition targets.
This is possibly the best news I’ve heard all year. And not because I’m against learning or education—it’s because American colleges no longer teach people how to think; they command people what to think, with the constant looming Sword of Damocles hanging over the head of anyone foolish enough to express a dissident thought.
Bam...and the what to think is Marxism, pure and simple. Karma's such a bitch. Goad renews my faith in the American public, who, he may have revealed, have had quite enough of the crap coming from our colleges and universities.
Chris Menahan reports on a recent situation which perfectly illustrates the true nature of our universities:
A manager at the college called the police on two students and had them kicked off air a few weeks ago in the middle of their radio show for saying "tranny," which the administrators falsely claimed was an "FCC violation" that could get the station fined.
Go figger...the snowflakes responsible for taking these kids off the air falsely claimed they had violated FCC rules, which is nonsense:
As it turned out, there was no rule against saying "tranny" on air, so the college administrators went searching for new justifications to kick them off beyond "we got triggered."
Real Menahan's piece and follow the "reasoning" employed by college administrators to justify their fascist tactics - then ask yourself what would happen when another alt-left "Democrat" is elevated to the White House.
Want anudder one?
BlackLies Matter at JMU
A course titled "Black Lives Matter" (BLM) that examines the controversial movement's strategies "to defend human rights in the era of a New Jim Crow" will be offered this spring at Virginia's James Madison University (JMU).
The class, given as a special topic in the Women's and Gender Studies Department at the public university, will look at "the radical resistance of the Black Lives Matter movement to state sanctioned violence against black and brown communities," according to the course description.
Lest we forget, Black Lives Matter is an alt-left (fascist) supported racist group dedicated to the overthrow of the United States Government.
We affirm the lives of Black queer and trans folks, disabled folks, undocumented folks, folks with records, women, and all Black lives along the gender spectrum. Our network centers those who have been marginalized within Black liberation movements... The call for Black lives to matter is a rallying cry for ALL Black lives striving for liberation. --BLM website
Just what does "liberation" mean in this context? Here's Dr. Tony Bradley:
One of the pillars of Obama's home church, Trinity United Church of Christ, is "economic parity." On the website, Trinity claims that God is not pleased with "America's economic mal-distribution." Among all of controversial comments by Jeremiah Wright, the idea of massive wealth redistribution is the most alarming. The code language "economic parity" and references to "mal-distribution" is nothing more than channeling the twisted economic views of Karl Marx. Black liberation theologians have explicitly stated a preference for Marxism as an ethical framework for the black church, because Marxist thought is predicated on a system of oppressor class (whites) versus victim class (blacks).
'Nuf said...except for the latest tidbit from Tom Knighton:
Nature is RACIST
An op-ed in The Student Life, the online student newspaper for the Claremont Colleges, claims that some of the most supported clubs are problematic because they're just too white.
in other words, nature triggers snowflakes. Because. Racist. or something. Remember that the next time you take a walk through the woods...you may encounter and trigger, a snowflake from Claremont Colleges.
Work Cited
- Bradley, Anthony B.: The Marxist roots of black liberation theology
- Frommer, Rachel: JMU to Offer ‘Black Lives Matter’ Course Examining ‘Human Rights in the Era of a New Jim Crow’
- Goad, Jim: Let the Colleges Die
- Knighton, Tom: Student Op-Ed: Too Many White People in Outdoor Clubs
- Menahan, Chris: College Staff Call Police On Student Radio Hosts For Saying 'Tranny' On Air
Background Reading
- Snowflakes Are Useful Idiots: Index (0-60)
- The Communist Takeover Of America - 45 Declared Goals (Annoted)
- Protect Yourself From The Evil Patriarchy With The Brand New "Portable Safe Space" Available From Just $79.95
- "If fascism comes to America, it will be through our college and university system."
- The surprising history of ‘snowflake’ as a political insult
"Government-controlled schooling is essential to achieving the goals of Socialism."--Karl Marx, Communist Menifesto | |
a child learns in SPITE of public education...not because of it.
Top of the afternoon to ya, Everitt! Been wondering if you'd dropped off the edge...
I'm still here.
Delighted to hear it.
I was awake at the crack of noon...then I sat down to Steemit.
this has NOT been a good day.
I've tried...lord knows I've tried...to pick a fight with snowflakes.
they act shocked..then cry..then run away.
what fun is THAT?
I love watching them run away - here's one I tangled with earlier on Twitter:
huh...seems familiar..
is he a member of congress too?
It's okay to be white.
I'll just leave that grenade lit and walk away.
I thought 'tranny' meant 'transmission'
When I was a trucker I had an eighteen speed tranny...
was that a bad thing to say?
It sure is at the University of Minnesota-Morris - they'd take your license away and report you to the Thought Police for that one.
Relevance:Cultural Marxism destroying yet another public institutionCurated for #informationwar (by @openparadigm)