According to a story published on TechCrunch hours ago, Telegram, the popular chat app, plans to launch its own cryptocurrency which will be used for making payments to the users using the app. The token will be called "Gram", the blockchain "TON" (Telegram Open Network) and the target for ICO will be at least $500 million, but with an upper cap between $3 and $5 billion, according to the same source.
TechCrunch claims to have reviewed parts of a 132 pages long white paper (that would be one of the biggest white papers that I know of so far) and, based on their review, Telegram aims to pivot towards a "WeChat" similar business model, in which everything will happen in one place.
At the moment of writing, there was no mention of this new blockchain on Telegram's website, nor in its Twitter account.
I'm a serial entrepreneur, blogger and ultrarunner. You can find me mainly on my blog at Dragos Roua where I write about productivity, business, relationships and running. Here on Steemit you may stay updated by following me @dragosroua.
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That's probably the story behind ethereum growth.
See, it's funny because you need a lot GRAMs to make a TON.
Is that the same as stone?
1 Ton == 142.857 Stone.
1 Gram == 0.000157473 Stone.
453.592 Gram == 1 Pound
2204.62 Pounds == 1 Ton
998,442 Grams == 1 Ton
approximate numbers
Which is close to 1 satoshi, which is 100,000,000 satoshis in 1 BTC.
If we look at a microgram, which is 1,000 micrograms makes a gram.
Then 998,412,000 micrograms makes 1 Ton, which is like satoshi, but less.
Give me a minute to digest that mate cheers!
At this rate of websites creating tokens,i guess most will not want the hustle of writing the whitepaper and creating tokens.
This is a prime opportunity for Smart Media Tokens to be put in effect.
ICO craze is at its peak now...
i think this is the start of all socials doing that to be honest, facebook and others will follow suit, i'm surprised that medium/twitter had not done before now tbh, this might bring a lense more on telegram however for all the wrong reasons if they don't play this out correctly what with all the blames for encrypted channels that terrorism was using, imagine if they have a currency they can move around too (not that they don't already) but you get my point.
i think it will do well but your concern is legit considering no one will track it and the way terrroist money had been cut off by government watch dogs, and its not just terrorist but all illigal outfits out there
Yes, and sadly because of it, they won't ever support untraceable assets, not even actually and objectively amazing ones like Monero.
All I'm saying that anti-terrorism is a terribly overdone, pretentious and somewhat lazy excuse that I'm not buying.
But yes, you're right, in general illegal activities are aimed, too.
Anti-terrorism is just another empty excuse to violate privacy-related rights of the individual.
On the uppermost level, it rarely serves the best of a nation.
nice icon. keep keeping on.
Lol I swear for a decade of internet activity you're the first who commended on any of my avatars
i'm special ;)
We are waiting for the ico? where can we get some pls?
still don't know that yet
Will u let teodora know on when pls..i will ask her lols
Will watch in cheddur. Thanks!
DA FUCK, I'm in! :D I'm using telegram for a long time. Could be harsh for Status (SNT)-Hodlers though.. :S
Yeah, it's a shame for Toshi and Status, that are already doing this, albeit within the ethereum network. Telegram could have a huge advantage, because of the established user base. on the other hand, another token using its own blockchain, that you'd have to jump through hoops to turn into something that is actually usable? why not integrate/use zCash or something, if they are so worried about privacy?
Kik (?), which had a huge user base, also introduced their own cryptocurrency some time ago. KIN, I think it was, that you could use to buy stickers and whatnot within their own messenger... Not sure what happened to it...
I'm a frequent Telegram user and I somewhat trust Durov (the creator) so I'm in!
I don't care if they can fulfill their purpose, I'd be ready to contribute. This means value for me.
i heard about the rumors and i thought it was a hoax, looks like it finally happening. with the number of user in telegram its no wonder they need this and it could work. if they make it mandatory that all their payment will be in gram then they are poised to reap big. gram could be among the top coins to watch out but that is just my speculation. let them launch and then we see what happens
Cryptocurrency has taken over the future.
Thanks for share. @dragosroua
thank bro
Thank you for this information, Nothing official yet on the net, it could be a great opportunity, so lets us updated please if you got any new information :)
I find it interesting that Telegram is planning to launch its own cryptocurrency. 132 pages is extremely long for a whitepaper. Most of I have read are far shorter than that.
I was actually wandering if it would join the rest ..
Telegram has been getting very popular the last few months.
Thanks for sharing @dragosroua
I wonder how many morre new coins will be launched. Is there a point when it will reach saturation? Or is it going to be that most future startups will use their own blockchains?
Govts will also some day or the other bring in regulations for ICOs. It's really a very interesting future.
Good information..Thanks for sharing it
Helpful post....
Upvoted and resteemed sir
Cryptocurrency has taken over the future, everything now tends towards cryptocurrency. Soon all other social media platforms will also follow suit.
I've never participated in an ico before, but this could be cool. I wonder if it's their own token or of they'll use Ethereum?
OMG is a similar type coin/platform isn't it?
I'm assuming if it is it's because they're seeing all the money to be made off of OMG.
waiting for insta gram ;)
That's an interesting development and it only shows that there is a lot of space where SMTs can be successful.
I'd also like to mention something unrelated. I just nominated you for a simple one-post challenge I'm trying to start and I really hope you wouldn't mind. It has a contest aspect to it, but everybody, especially nominees should feel absolutely free not to participate in the contest or challenge. But I would really love it if you decided to do the challenge (which is to make a post of your best 5 posts from 2017). I know this is going to be especially hard for someone as productive as yourself, but I would certainly love to read it!
Once again, apologies for tapping you on that unannounced, I really hope you don't mind!
A lot of blockchain/crypto for everythings!
Where we'll get there?