Ryan Bundy, son of Cliven Bundy will be running for Governer as an independent in Nevada. His run will be an attempted continuation of the Sagebrush Rebellion started in the 70's and 80's. His main goal is to fight for Nevada states' rights against government control.

Ryan Bundy was on the forefront of the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge takeover in Oregon. He was acquitted on the multiple charges he faced as a result of that. Where he was then transported to Nevada to await trial for the Bunkerville Standoff. After about 2 years the trial began, Ryan Bundy very eloquently defended himself. Outperforming the majority of public defenders brought to defend the others who were charged with the same crimes. Ryan, his brother Ammon, and his father Cliven Bundy had the case thrown out after a lengthy court battle, where the judge found the prosecutors to be acting with prejudice. That day was a great victory for liberty.
Ryan Bundy will be evoking memories of the brushfire rebellion of the 70's and 80's in his bid to become Governor in the state of Nevada. Running to fight to return the land of Nevada to the state of Nevada. Currently the United States Government owns 84.9% of the land in the state of Nevada.
The Burshfire Rebellion started with the goal to return ownership of the lands to the states. In the constitution the government was very restricted on the land it could own. Loose interpretation has given the government control over much of the western United States. They were initially only supposed to get parcels of land for military bases, post offices, buildings to house federal employees undertaking enumerated functions, and etc. As the words are reinterpreted it has turned into them having innumerable powers to own and control federal land in what is called the police-power theory. Using this the Federal Government can change the laws of the federal land within the state and supersede states laws.
We will see how his campaign goes. He is going out to have 'face to face' conversations with the voters and to attempt to qualify for the ballots in November. Everyone on the news is saying that he has no chance, but that he would take away from the republican base and give the democrats a better chance. Everyone in the news said that he would be found guilty in both of his cases too. Those same people said that Hilary Clinton was going to win by a landslide. They have the ability to be wrong, and I hope in this case that they are.
An article from Fox5Vegas has a video with a few statements and questions regarding his run that can be found here
The first to break the news was the Nevada Independent and the wrote up a better article than all the 'copy pasta' you will find searching google for news. You can read that here.
Want to learn more about the original event that gained the Bundy family popularity? I reccomend The Intercept article here. As well as this documentary by Frontline I found on Youtube here.
Any opportunity for a good person to travel around talking to people about liberty and freedom.. is a great opportunity. I would like to wish Ryan luck and success on his journey.
Woot woot,
One thing Ryan has going for himself, can any of the other candidates say they "Fought the Law and Won".
I don't know much about Ryan Bundy or his family other than what appears in the news, and there's a mixed picture of them there at best. I'm sure he will be fighting an uphill battle in the governor's race, even in Nevada.
As you say, though, anyone who is willing to honestly and sincerely talk about liberty and freedom is welcome and a breath of fresh air in an otherwise polluted and toxic political environment.
I live in Oregon (though not in the area of the Malheur refuge), so that was plastered all over the media here for the time it was happening. I think for the most part people were sympathetic, but Bundy and some others brought an out of state element to it that those same folks didn't seem to appreciate. I would think in any battle over property rights all hands on deck would be welcome, but apparently not.
You can't be a politic in Merica' if you don't wear one of those

fancy cowboy hat
hahaha very funny!
Are you a Nevada Resident?
Relevance: States Rights!
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