Conspiracy theory turns fact: Many elites have been raping and enslaving children for decades

in #news6 years ago (edited)

It's not news to many of us, who investigate things instead of swallowing the status quo koolaid, that a secretive pedophilia ring has been operating within the upper echelons of the world's richest and most powerful figures.

Alex Jones covered this in the early 00s. I remember going down the rabbit hole of researching these disturbing topics to get to the truth, and finding that indeed this appeared to be the case. Hitler's propagandists famously said that if you're going to hide a lie, make sure it's a big lie, and tell it often. Society has been unable to see many of the biggest conspiracies right in front of our eyes.

Truth is often uncomfortable

Each time I've brought this topic up, even amongst educated and conscious people, it has been unwelcome. It's not enjoyable for most people to think about, but neither are many of the things going on in this world. Cannabis prohibition has killed millions and harmed every person on the planet, and it's only getting worse with "legalization", and sometimes I literally don't know how I can handle the sheer volume of suffering and evil that exists. It can overwhelm.

But eventually, when the emotions subside and we're able to handle the topic, I think we should return to it. Face what's actually going on in the world, rather than being willfully ignorant.

“For me, it is far better to grasp the Universe as it really is than to persist in delusion, however satisfying and reassuring.”

― Carl Sagan, The Demon-Haunted World: Science as a Candle in the Dark

Today, this powerful Jewish kiddie-pimp-to-the-stars was arrested in New York City, to appear in court tomorrow. I hope this hedge fund manager and socialite gets everything he deserves, and that his victims (the ones that are alive, anyway) do too, so they can begin to heal.

What's more, I hope the dozens or hundreds of co-conspirators are shaking in their boots right now. I hope they're feeling every bit of terror those kids felt. And I won't believe it until I see it, but I hope this fucking swamp gets drained to the bottom.

I was right

Nobody likes to hear someone else say they were right. It's basically an "I told ya so." It can feel like they're saying "I'm better than you", even if all they are actually saying is "I was right."

But yeah, I did tell you so. This is something I've brought up over the years and generally been told to drop. I've been called a paranoid nut, a conspiracy theorist, a trouble-maker, and much worse.

But I was right about the weather modification, after being ignored, hated, and dismissed as mentally unwell.

I was right about precious metals price manipulation, after being called paranoid and stupid for several years. I covered the story since early 2009, and even a few years after it was proved 100% true, many still call me crazy for "believing" the price of gold isn't set by the free market. They still believe the old lie, which isn't even being told anymore.

I was right about Bitcoin, when I lost a large potion of my subscribers in 2011 and 2013 for talking about it relentlessly, and demanding that people pay attention to it.

I was right that cannabis "legalization" in Canada would be fake, just government monopolization, destruction of the culture, and takeover of the free market by corporations. I was precisely correct. I even came out in early 2014, before anyone even heard of Justin Trudeau and his plans, predicting everything that has come to pass. To the letter. I was even right that they're going to export this failed and corrupt model to the rest of the world, and that Canada was just the guinea pig.

I was right about 9/11, I was right about Fukushima, I was right about Syria, Ukraine, Libya. I've been right about everything, for over a decade.

And I was right about the world's elites, for the most part, being pedophiles.

Nobody else is going to give me credit. I've been shadowbanned on YouTube (I don't break their rules, but I talk about conspiracies, which is a 'borderline topic' to be hidden and discredited). And I'm totally banned on FaceBook, even though my "conspiracy theories" have always turned out to be facts. I've never barked up the wrong tree. Go ahead, look back on everything I've done, tell me where I was wrong. I wasn't, not in over 700 videos, and 1000 blog articles, and 500 FB posts.

I was right.

I say that, because it's important to identify people who have been right all along. Those of us who can spot these things reliably should be noted, and listened to. I can't demand that anyone pay attention to me, but since nobody else is going to advertise my flawless track record, I have to. I'm not boasting or being prideful. I'm being real.

We need to pay attention to people who usually get it right, and stop listening to people who usually get it wrong. Don't fill your head with information from people who either don't know what's going on, or do know, but lie to you.

If we don't start paying attention to the truth, and the people who consistently speak it, aren't we already lost? Instead, many of these people have been and are being censored and silenced. This is a tragedy.

Let's start listening to the people who have been right all along.

It's okay if you didn't see all these things coming, many years ago. Not everybody can be first. There's no shame in that! But there is shame in not paying attention to those who CAN see these things coming. Kids got raped and killed because we didn't act - because we called it a conspiracy theory, and because we turned away.


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Its massively true and it get much much worse. Whole world is under control by a bunch petty warring factions all united in making sure they can keep on doing sick stuff, to all of us.

Very messed up.
As bad as abusing children is, I think it goes deeper.
I think they're 'hiding' an even worse conspiracy in behind this one. It works because those who investigate see the horrific child abuse, which is almost as bad as something can get, and don't look closer at it.
I think they're hiding something worse than sex with kids. I think they're actually also doing experiments on some of them, possibly rituals, possibly extracting their blood or enzymes. Not all the victims get the full treatment, of course. And when anyone investigates they mainly 'only' see the rape, and the young age of the victims. The deeper conspiracy is allowed to exist in the shadows of the first, because the first is so terrible already.
I think I'm right about this, too, unfortunately.

Much easier for the masses to believe everything is okay than face the consequences of uncertainty.

“The very word "secrecy" is repugnant in a free and open society”


It's even worse than that if this proves to be true


Slavery and sex trafficking is bigger today than it has ever been. It is big business. And yes, child sacrifice is real. Children are being harvested for their organs. It sounds crazy, but it is very rea

Even Blow Job Bill's name is being brandied about, in connection to Epstein, on MSM.

Oh? That's big. I mean we've all known for years that he and Hilary are filthy, but to have the MSM be forced to acknowledge it, hmmmmmm!

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