If you were feeling responsible for the "second wave" of covid-19 positive cases supposedly happening right now, you should, said Canada's great leader Justine Timberleau today.
Despite deaths being near-zero, and the highly-touted "record positives" simply due to record testing, state media is pushing hard for lockdowns, restrictions, and fundamental changes to society. And it's ALL our fault, they say.

"Alberta, B.C., Ontario, Manitoba and Quebec are now seeing case counts larger than those reported at the onset of the pandemic."
Only because testing is higher now than it was then - by a long shot.
"It's going to be a tough winter. Unless we're really, really careful, there may not be the kinds of family gatherings we want to have at Christmas."
A threat, based on somebody's opinion, nothing more - and probably less. Is that what leadership has devolved to?
It has been announced that Santa and his masked elves will be visiting children from behind a glass wall this year. We're going to have a generation of severely unhealthy youth if we keep this up.
"Data indicates that younger, healthier people — who are more likely to recover without medical intervention — are driving the COVID-19 spike during this round of the pandemic."
So fewer people are infected, almost nobody is dying, and those who ARE infected are healthy and get over it by themselves?! Incredible how they can twist it to support lockdowns and mandatory masks.
"The federal government has secured 358 million doses of COVID-19 vaccines."
10 doses for every Canadian, and rising.
Lockdown Intensifies
My province (BC) just announced deepening restrictions, effective immediately, including a maximum of 6 visitors to each dwelling. Not 6 different people each time you have guests, just 6 visitors in total. We're told most houses should have far less than 6 total "safe" guests.
And masks are now "strongly encouraged" (one step down from mandatory) in ALL public places in BC.
This is incredibly distressing. It's hard to explain how cornered I'm beginning to feel. I've done nothing wrong, but I'm increasingly being seen as a source of disease and death, like a modern-day leper. I feel like I'm going to have to strap a dangerous diaper onto my face if I want to buy food for my family. I feel like somebody is manipulating what I wear, how I look, how much oxygen I get, if I can smile at others, and in many ways, where I go and what I do. It's too much.
I'm not anti mask, I'm anti MANDATORY mask. Wear one all you like, but you can't force me into one.
I also feel increasingly lonely and isolated. And like there's now one more barrier in between me, and my fellow man. Specifically, my children, who I've been separated from for years, and hoping to reunite with. This feels like one more wall put up between them and I. It feels like it's getting less and less likely I'm going to be able to break through all the barriers, at the same time, in order to see them again.
As these unconstitutional restrictions get more and more extreme, without any sound evidence backing up their use, I feel that most people are too afraid to do anything but go along with them. Most people I know are pretending nothing's happening, nothing at all. It's absolutely incredible to see how far they'll go to act like everything is fine, and that nothing has changed - or at least, that they are adjusting well to the changes. I see them as part of the problem. By going along with it, they're endangering the rest of us, by enabling our abusers.
"The increase in new cases comes as a direct result of social gatherings happening in private homes", Bonnie Henry said.
They are blaming us - for what they are doing. It's classic victim-shaming, bullying, and gaslighting.
"Enforcement will be stepped up to ensure public health policies are followed."
Go fuck yourselves. Using OUR resources, to force us to buy and wear masks, which have been proven ineffective AND dangerous? You traitors to humanity. You vile scum. You filth.
To the masked idiots:
Stop flinching or scowling when you see people without "their mask" on. If your masks works, you're safe. If it doesn't, why are you wearing it?
I've suffered with PTSD for 4.5 years, and there are certain things that cause me a fair bit of anxiety. I do my best, and with cannabis I have overcome most of my symptoms, but having strangers stare/glare at me lately is really not helping. My wife only has 50% of her lung function (due to her battle with cancer and radiation therapy), but people can't tell that by looking at her in public, and she too gets glares, or treated rudely by cashiers, or refused entry. We have a baby that needs food and supplies on a regular basis! Making us second class citizens is harming us for no good reason, and potentially my innocent son. I'm about sick of it.
To the heroes showing their faces, not scaring little kids, keeping their immune system functioning, and not bowing to authoritarianism: THANK YOU!
To Justin Hairdeau: You have 3 fingers pointing right back at yourself, bud.
PS: Sweden went against the trend and had NO lockdown, minimal restrictions, and zero masks. Their economy is intact, nobody is dying, and The States, with various lockdowns and restrictions in place, now have a much higher per capita death rate - and rising into their second wave. There's no second wave possible for Sweden. They took their licks and came out on top.

I already had a hard enough time walking around big box stores...I sometimes have to just leave without everything because it's too much distance. It's creepy and scary how much extra walking we have to do inside now because of social distancing...and with masks on. Maybe one day as a protest someone like me that shouldn't wear a mask will, and then they'll drop dead in somebody's store. But they'd just say they died from coronavirus.
LOL @ one step down from mandatory. What is one step anyway? Is it like a scale on a forest fire hazard scale?
So Bonny Henry has some great expectations? She should read the book. It's kinda long but the jist is easy to get. It's hard not to entertain these politicians, tsars that we know are just appointed to spout propaganda, when every thing in your life is cancelled because of the revered or esteemed or respected Bonny Henry. Can't believe how many fake, ass-kissing adjectives I've heard used to describe that wench.
Where did all these "health officers" and other stupid titles come from? Who is Bonnie Henry? Who is Teresa Tam? Why does every province, state, and country have somebody just like them right now?
It looks like you have not been back to flote. Rude to leave in the middle of a conversation, especially one that involves a double dawg dare. (check your wallet on flote)
A double dog/dawg dare is mainly about bravery, not timing! I didn't walk out on you during a conversation, you drama queen. I'm sorry I haven't been into my Flote notifications lately, but it's not personal. I have turmoil at the moment, on top of health issues and a 12 month old. I start "conversations" online and sometimes don't get back to them right away, but as far as I know, I don't ever flake out on anyone.
I have just taken care of some things that will hopefully free me up to properly look into your response soon. I do appreciate your attention. Have a nice weekend, happy Samhain, don't eat too much candy you bought with your satoshis.
I think Justin needs a lead pill that will solve most of Canada's problems.
That guy gives me the creep.
Nice mask, a-hole!!
Maybe we could bury him in a second wave of feces.